Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Little things

It's the little things that matter. Recently, I've realised how easily pleased I can be. It is so easy for me to go AWW.

1) When I'm sick and I complain about losing my voice and you offer to bring for me lozenges (Thank you, R)
2) When I'm sick and you check up on me (This is like my ultimate weakness. I'll remember and love you forever if you do this)
3) When I'm not even struggling but you help me carry my stuffs
4) When you hold doors for me
5) When you lead me to go first (plus point is placing the hand at that little spot of my back)
6) When you save a seat for me
7) When you think I'm crazy but still entertain me
8) When you respond to my 'Hi, I'm bored' texts
9) When you pat my head
10) Or massage me
11) Or play with my hair
12) When I give you so much trouble but you still insist on my company
13) When you give me heart shape emoji just because

On a side note, I'm coughing so badly now and my throat hurts and I better not lose my voice tomorrow cuz I'm having a presentation. And yes, I don't feel prepared for this but this is probably the most hardworking I've ever been for a presentation (although its already 11.55pm and I haven't done a single slide just research. Proves just how last minute I can be). After this presentation, I have THREE essays to be completed. And then... I'M GOING KOREA.

Yes this is the major announcement lol. Extremely last minute and almost impromptu. The boys, A and K was planning their own trip and okay this was how the conversation went:
'Hey, its gonna be so boring with just the two of us, we need a girl. Nadiah, come!'
'I'm not free in June.'
'What, no holidays at all?'
'Well, I have one week break from the 9th to 15th June? But 9th's my mum's birthday!'
'Just nice! And we can catch midnight flight. You won't celebrate till so late right?'
'But I'm broke guys. LIKE REALLY BROKE. Even with my June pay, I won't have enough for this trip.'
'WHAT?! So rich? No way man! I wouldn't be able to pay back!'
'Don't worry you can pay us back anytime, end of the year, next year also can!'
'Well, will we still be friends by the end of the year?'
'For 1k, YES.'

So there you go. Fully 'sponsored' including my expenditures there by these two boys, its an opportunity not to be missed. Everything just fell into place after that. My mum said its all up to me, my wise adviser, J said yolo just go, I told my SM and she's completely ok with it AND THEY JUST BOOKED THE FLIGHT AND ACCOMMODATION TODAY SO YES ALL SETTLED. I'm so blessed to have these two people and I don't know why they are so nice to me :') J asked me, 'Why they so good, want you to go, pay for you some more?' And I said, 'They are my true bros.' And of course J being J, gave his trademark heart break emoji.

Okay I should get on with my presentation.


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