Saturday, May 24, 2014


Have you ever felt so close to someone, you talked to that person every single day, told them everything, share stories and then suddenly poof, they stopped talking to you?

I guess I'm the kind of person who is easily attached to people. Who is possessive over her friends. If you're my friend, you are mine. If you suddenly stop talking to me and tell other people stuffs that you used to tell me, I'll get upset.

'What a freak.' Yes, I think I am.

But of course life does not always go your way. One moment you know everything about someone and the next, you have no idea what's her new favourite hobby.

Nowadays, there's only one person that I can really be myself with. I can tell anything to her and she won't judge me although sometimes she do make me realise how delusional I can get and I hate it when other people are right (haha). There is another but I am still not letting my guard down totally with him. Even so, my fear still remains. One month from now, will they be the same person that will be there for me still? Or do I have to start over like how it is every single fucking time.

I guess humans need other people to live in this world. Some don't think so but that's the truth.

P.S: I am dying to make an announcement about something that is going to happen BUT since the details are still unclear I am not going to jinx it. Although I told like a few people about it and am totally feeling the jinx already :(


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