Sunday, April 06, 2014

The end

Finally the trimester has ended. This trimester has been the hardest yet the most fun of all.

The most fun module has got to be TV Journalism. Though Molly suck as a lecturer but we get to play with cameras. On camera and behind the scenes. And you know what's the best? Being a news anchor in a real studio at Singapore Media Academy. Ok the reason why it was so fun was because I did really well? We were given two tries to read the news and they said that my first try was perfect and I didn't have to do the second time. It was like everybody even the SMA people. That has got to be one of the proudest moments in my life cuz no one else had that. I was really nervous but I guess you just have to read it right? And that has got to be the easiest ever. I want to do it again but being a news anchor... I'm too over qualified, aren't I? Sigh. But yeah filming all the stories and brainstorming all the script contents, it was fun.

Second on the list was Advanced Public Relations. Did not really go for the lessons. I think I went like for... 4 lessons. But anyway, we had this media conference thing and I was in the organiser group. Being the events student I once were, obviously this is totally my forte. So glad that I didn't have to be the media or the client cuz really that would suck. I get to boss people around and chase people for stuffs and be on my phone like all the time which I'm really good at (insert smug emoticon). And at the end of it everyone said it was a job well done. How liberating was that!

I cannot decide which is third and fourth cuz pretty much the other two modules was such a bore. Organisations, politics and society was a module that wasn't meant for Communications student at all. And it was really really really boring. Although I went for most of the classes. Just cuz the lecturer's funny. I'm gonna have a paper for this module and I know nuts about it. Public Affairs and Communications was the last module and honestly I have no idea what I learnt in this hahah other than the Parenthood Priority Scheme policy just cuz I did my essay on that policy. Yeah what the hell did I do in this module.. I really cannot remember.

But yeah I AM DONE WITH THIS TRIMESTER!! And its my second last trimester before I graduate :'( The last few weeks of the trimester was so busy for me especially the last week. I had like an average of 2-3 h of sleep each day. Plus I have to work which I'm really getting so lazy to go. But I've got to say this last few weeks was the time when I finally had some time to hang out with my classmates more.

The last week was such a blur. Had to prepare for Tuesday's media conference on Monday. And then I went to meet the dance girls for chili crab. SO SYIOK BUT SO EXPENSIVE. And then we went to Bedok Jetty and recorded ourselves singing do you wanna build a snowman. Which was hilarious. Tuesday was a really long day. Had presentation and then the media conference and then work. Had a 7-9am store meeting on Wednesday, went for the news anchor filming and went to hang out with Jack, Elvin and Putri. Went to Hooters to eat, then Central to eat some more and then went to Beer Market. I AM PRETTY AWESOME AT PLAYING DARTS. I hit a perfect bull's eyes without even trying (peace sign). But when it comes to actually winning the 301 game, I couldn't cuz I keep hitting good scores when I'm supposed to score like really low points. Although me and Putri totally beat the boys in a game. Thursday was supposed to be stay home do assignment day but I ended up meeting my colleagues, Izzah and Su. We went to karaoke (Teo heng @ Rendezvous hotel is awesome man) and then to I am Cafe to have dinner. The food was okay and nothing exceptional. But its the company that matters. Though I cannot be too attached to them cuz hey I have enough with expecting and being disappointed. Did my essay and I finished it at 5ish am. Went to class like at 10.40 am when it was supposed to start at 9.30 and... I don't know why I went. I did nothing as well. After that we went to Mind Cafe to play Taboo. I love taboo man. Its the best game ever. Had lots of laughs but one by one everyone had to leave so I ended up watching Captain America with Jack and Elvin. The movie was ok, action packed but I don't understand some of the characters LOL. But yeah so happy that Jack decided to forgo his gym session to watch a movie cuz hey its Friday night. I don't want to come home early. Cabbed home alone cuz the boys live so far off. I hate taking cabs alone sometimes cuz 1) I suck in directions 2) Cab drivers can be so chatty 3) I can't use my phone in a cab cuz I'll get headaches and I want someone there to talk to me.

Going to go Jakarta and Bandung with Rafidah, Putri and Stuart tomorrow and I hope that it will be a blast. FIVE DAYS HOLIDAYS WOOHOO. So excited since its the first time I'm taking the aeroplane.

Side note: I don't know how I feel about you anymore. Spending time with you makes me like you even more. But you are so wise that you make me feel dumb sometimes and you're always implying that I'm a kid which makes me immature. I want to chat with you everyday. I want you to ask me out. I want you to like me.


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