Wednesday, January 01, 2014

2013: A Bittersweet Year

New Year is all about resolutions and the New Year, new me shit. But for me, New Year has always been just that. A New Year. I do try to make resolution but nope, I don't keep them at all. 2013 has been bittersweet. I did a lot of firsts and had fun yet it was probably the most depressing year ever. What with my questions on friendship, my insecurities and my family woes. I've learnt how strong I am as a person for not letting my anger and feelings get the best of me.

And I realised just how much I mean to some people. Thought I grew closer to some people but I guess not. We are no longer talking and I don't know whether we are still friends. And I thought that I became closer to my family but nope, December ruins it all. Lost a couple of friends and I drifted apart from a few others but made lots of new friends and grew closer to some. I guess its inevitable.

I will of course be the typical 'let's flashback on 2013' kind of person cuz hey, I like it that way. And I've been doing it every year no matter how rarely I blog.

So 2013..

- Celebrated Chinese New Year for the first time (I think). Which ended with us karaoke-ing and me watching them play mahjong till the wee hours of the morning.

- Started working for Forever New. Almost a year, huh? It was awesome at the start and I actually enjoyed working there other than the occasional visits from the Regional manager but now I don't even know whether I want to stay and work there anymore.

- Hanging out with classmates till the wee hours of the morning. Honestly still feel like I'm not part of them and I think we've drifted this trimester but they are the ones who make school bearable so I still love them to bits.

- Celebrated a whole bunch of 21st. I feel old.

- Tried my hand on jailbreaking. Even went on to create my own themes on photoshop. Had fun and gained some followers but I lost interest and hey, ios7 ftw.

- Countless of sleepovers. Okay not countless. Maybe like 4?

- A couple of performances and one which we get paid $60 each for a shitty event but its still money so heck.

- Sabbie went to US for 6 months. MAN, TIME FLIES.

- Instagram introduced instavideo. And as I am an instagram freak, I had a few ridiculous videos #yolo

- Cracked my iphone 4 screen so badly. The woes of a hand swinging freak. Dropped it on a pavement outside of school as it slipped out of my swinging hand. Am using an iphone 5 now.

- Sent Weineng off to the US. He's coming back soon I think. YAY. TIME REALLY FLIES, like an airplane (hahahha lame)

- Celebrated hari raya with 3 different baju kurungs. Have got to be the most hectic one yet. Juggling work, assignments, school, making kuihs and cleaning the house. Hate Hari Raya seriously. The preparations and the questions from relatives suck. Just give me my bloody money, I'll show you my student card if you don't believe.

- Cut bangs which I'm having a love hate relationship with. It grew out but I trimmed it like a few weeks ago and now I don't really know what happened to it as I'm too lazy to blow dry and thus I go out with wet hair and pinned up bangs all the time. But I swear I look good in it when it's all well behaved. Though it's too high maintenance for a lazy person like me.

- Celebrated my birthday with my uni classmates and ending it with a sleepover with another bunch of uni classmates. And then meeting up with the GE girls, open house raya cum my birthday celebration, meeting up with the girls who gave me $60 to fund my Nook. Apparently I am an extremely difficult person to buy a gift for so that's all I received other than treats of course.

- A friend got engaged. Actually a lot of friends got engaged or married but I was invited to this one only hahhaha how sad.

- Started preparing for Waves WHICH WAS EPIC SHIT. Had troubles being a lion what with the head gear and the ugly costume but it all worked out pretty well and of course had lots of fun being in the alumni clan. The most memorable concert ever.

- Tried wearing a beanie for the first time ever. Alan say I look like a cancer patient without my fringe on which I agree but hey I still think I look hipster(ish).

- Ended the school trimester with a pile of assignment and presentation. And a presentation to a real life client at that. And this trimester have got to be my slackest cuz I skipped more classes than I attended.

- First time on a staycation with the girls at Amara Sanctuary Resort.

- Hanging out till late with my favourite boys just talking, drinking Starbucks and having supper. Will probably see them lesser now that school is starting. I iz sad.

- Went Batam for the first time. Twice at that for the month of December. Cheap things at Batam: BRAS. And those beads bracelets which I really like and bobby pins and of course FOOD. Oh and the spa is good too. Had my first ever chili crab out of home there and my first spa experience as well.

- Had my first Secret Santa gift exchanges. And I think I'm really good at giving gifts. #selfpraise

- Had the yearly Christmas steamboat at Melanie's. Where I eat lots of fish, prawns and fishballs. Major love for the people who helped to clear the vegetables on my side hahahha.

- Went to JB with Diyanah on our own. Another adventure definitely.

- DYED MY HAIR PURPLE. The first time ever I dyed my hair. Though I really want it to be brighter hmm. Touch up, maybe?

- Went for Chanel's exhibition at MBS.

- Saving up to buy my own gadgets. Ipod classic ($300+), iPhone 5 ($400+) and Nook ($100+). Woah the money I've spent.

- Tried a lot of cafes and eateries and restaurants. Woodlands Waterfront, Paul's, Nando's, 4 Fingers (MY NEW LOVE), Hooters, TCC, Timbre (not first time but loving it more and more. Goodfellas pizza & buffalo wings & Virgin Sakura ftw), Canopy Garden Dining and Bar, O' Coffee Club, Tom's Palette, Rider's Cafe, Pizza Hut's pasta, Pique Nique, Arnold's Fried Chicken, Lady M, Brewerkz

- Having my share of karaoke. Teo Heng, Cash Studio, KBox, KSuites, $10 Family KTV. I am a karaoke freak.

- Watched a few dance performances/concerts/competitions. Cactus 2013, TRDO, S24, TBG, Danzation.

2013 have got to be the most memorable year, really (did I say that last year). Now let's hope that 2014 will be as memorable and please just let there be lots and lots of happiness. Its going to be a scary (cuz I'm graduating) and exciting year ahead I'm sure.

And I promise to write more. Be it blogging or just my journal or writings or songs or haikus.



  1. Since when I went to US for 6 MONTHS?! HAHAHAHA Love you ili <3 :)

    1. LOL not 6 months meh?! Hahaha love you too laaa <3
