Monday, September 12, 2011

Let fate take its course of nature

Background story of this post. This is drafted on the 10th of September but I suddenly lost the mood to type so it has been in my draft since then.


Back again. I realised I have this thingy where at one point I'll keep blogging and then go on hiatus and then back to blogging spree. And obviously now's the spree moment. Its 11.44pm now and I'm trying to finish before 12am so that it will still be under Friday post and it will make it look like I just blogged one day after another :) Okay rubbish.

So anyway, another thing that I've realised is that I've been using the word mundane very regularly (and the word realised in this post haha). Becoming so so banal.

Work today was madness. Finished what was given to me yesterday and then new applications came so I had to that. And then some other stuffs and then apparently there's more of the stuffs that I did yesterday. But know what, I like it. I like having a pile of things to do. Rather have tonnes of things to than just taking my own sweet time doing one thing. Apart from the work, lunch was good with some considerate people. But I'm puzzled over someone's behaviour. I have 2 days to not mull over it yet.

Okay its already 12.03am. Someone came to my house -.-

I was thinking about some stuffs when I was on my way home just now. I do that a lot because I don't have any sort of entertainment with me so its only my thoughts and me. And this time round, I was thinking about my ideal guy.

Mentioned in a previous post that my ideal guy would be someone like Vic Chou's character in Mars. Still is but I was thinking more in depth. So I made a list :)

1) A conversationalist.
An ultimate must for me. Although I can be chatty but only with the right people. But with people that I'm not close to, there's a need for them to like you know, contribute to the conversation and make it flow.

2) Not clingy
Another ultimate must. Super, super, super hate clingy people. Those that wants to stick with you 24/7. Hate it. Clingy also means touchy. Like you've got to give me room to breathe man.

3) Doesn't expect me to call him.
I absolutely hate phone calls. So my ideal guy will not be those kind who expects me to call him every night (trust me, there are people like that) and okay fine if he wants to call BUT do not expect me to have like 1 hour long conversations with him. I can only do that with my friend. As in girl friends.

4) Doesn't spam me with messages
Like okay if you text me, and I don't reply, don't mass send me with like a chain of messages asking a different kind of question each time. Its irritating. If I want to reply I will. If I don't it can mean two things. One, I don't want to reply. Two, I'm not holding on to my phone.

5) Knows the right balance between mushy and distant
I hate mushy stuffs. I really do. And it sucks even more if you expect me to. But once in a while, its fine.

6) Dresses well
Not always in t shirt and jeans and sneakers. It is very rare to find guys who dresses well. But you don't have to be wearing stuffy clothes to look good.

7) Understands my mood swings
This will be a bit hard. Oh well. And of course he'll be able to bear with my constant migraines and whining :)

Okay fine, I'm sort of losing the drift for this post again and I don't want it to be stuck back in my drafts so I shall just publish it.

Today ended on a good note. Its good to have a companion home. But yeah, somehow it feels like our friendship ends there. Which is, sad. I'm trying not to be too attached or succumb to my infatuation because it won't be long till he's leaving. Yes, this kind of thing always happens no matter where I work.

Tomorrow's another day. One day at a time. Whatever will be, will be.

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