Sunday, July 10, 2011

When the messenger has lost all its fun

Haven't updated for oh so long already. Partly cuz I've been going out a lot and of course the major part is the lazy part. No surprises there.

Couldn't sleep yet cuz I had an evening nap just now so I'm pretty much very fresh. Anyway plans for tomorrow is only in the evening anyways (watching TBG!) so I can pretty much sleep past 12pm :) Training today was fun. Yes, I went. And I'm predicting a very achy Sunday >.< So rusty already. I wonder when I will go back to my hardworking-super-awesome-dance-mode that I had briefly in Year 2. A very, very brief period. With lots of hardcore dancing and performances.

So a lot of people have been asking me about MSN. Or the proper term Windows Live Messenger and why I'm never online (If you're under my SDZ-ians and DEPM group, you would see me online like right now).

1) With the 2011 version you cannot block people
Seriously annoying that I cannot block people. I want to be online but I just don't want to be seen online by this, this, this and this person. With the 2011 version you can choose who you want to appear online to. Like tonight, I was only chatting with a few people so I'm only online to this 2 groups of people. I have 14 groups in total.

2) I have to appear online in order to talk to people
I think the root of the problem is seriously the 2011 version la. Although I've got to admit that it looks way more chio but seriously. I cannot talk to people when I'm appearing offline though I can choose to only appear online to THAT person in order to talk to him/her.

3) Random people hitting on you
I know in the first place I shouldn't be adding all these people but well, that's what blocking is for isn't it? So when there's like occasions where I forgot and am suddenly online to everyone, all these irritating people start to talk to me. And its annoying cuz I don't want to talk to them >.<

4) Hanging conversations
Super super super hate those people who start a conversation with you and then just leave you hanging for like 10-20 minutes before they reply a stupid, 'haha'. I think having to wait for more than 3 minutes for a reply when you're chatting is already bad enough. I mean what's the point of chatting if you're gonna do other stuffs right. Though sometimes I'm guilty of doing that. But its always the case where that person takes so long to reply so I replied and I was thinking heck, I'll have to wait another like 5 minutes so I'll put my video on full screen and I disabled the sound and then I got so engrossed with watching the show and when I remembered shit, I was chatting, I went back and the previous person replied like super long ago HAHA. But I swear its only exception cases. And best is those that just say, 'Hello' then I replied and they never reply back. 5 minutes later, the person is offline. Seriously wtf.

5) Boring black fonts
HAHA okay I know this is personal opinion but when I'm chatting, I kinda get turned off if your font is the normal black don't know what font. The default one. Ok I'm a total sucker for personalisation and I don't see the point of using the standard thing when you can change it to be how you want it to be. Ok fine, I'm just being picky.

6) Annoying emoticons
Or whatever that thing is called where some animated object substitute a word or expression. If its just one or two its fine, but some is really like one whole chunk. The whole sentence is filled with emoticons. How on earth am I supposed to decipher them you tell me?! Normally I couldn't be bothered and just try to like crap my way through on reading what it means LOL.

7) Abbreviations
I know that its like an unsaid rule to use abbreviations when you are chatting. But I really hate those. I even hate using those in text messages. I don't know why. Maybe because sometimes when I text with certain people they use absurd abbreviations that doesn't make sense and I have to like stare and decipher the meaning for like 3 minutes? Its really ridiculous and annoying I swear. The only abbreviations I use is lol, cuz, wtf, wth, otw, omw, btw, anw. What else. Can't remember. But really, if you have encountered the abovementioned people who use way ridiculous abbreviations, you would hate them as well. And in a way writing the words in full will improve your spelling wouldn't it?

Bottomline is, MSN is just no fun anymore. Twitter triumphs over everything. Screw the 140 word limit its still the best, I swear.

I wanted to blog about Yus' surprise 20th birthday celebration @ Jieling's place but I got lazy to compile the photos so I shall just share my favourite photo :)

We all look so cute (Y)

And this was taken today:
The people I love and the major reason why I never want to graduate 

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