Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just the thought excites me

I've been rambling a lot on my Livejournal so there isn't much update here. However, most of them are locked posts where only Dorothy can read them :)

This week I was strictly confining myself at home due to the lack of income coming in and the over catching up on my social life the previous week. I managed to keep to that until Friday. Which means that I stayed home from last Sunday so that's like 5 days at home. Went to catch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 with Sabrina on Friday. And I came like 10 minutes after the movie started. Never been so late in my whole life for a movie before. Never ever came after the advertisements in fact! So sorry to Sab who reached way earlier.

After 10 years, it has finally come to an end. I have to say that as much as I enjoy the movies very much, it doesn't do justice to the books at all. The contents are way too summarised but it is not concise at all. The deaths in the last book especially. It wasn't even that devastating on screen, to be honest. And yeah I've always thought the ending is a tad too anti climatic. Having said all of the above, I would admit on two things. Firstly, if they were to make movies just like the way it is in books, they will all be like 5 hours long. Secondly, if the ending is not a happy ending, then it wouldn't end at 7. J.K. Rowling will probably have to continue writing the Harry Potter series. Like, Harry Potter in the Underworld.

Okay, not funny. This is what happens when I have the itch to blog at 2am in the morning. But really, the books are way awesome. I have everything plus I've got 2 copies of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (that's the second one). And I probably read them more than 5 times. For all 7 books.

Had a family gathering today, yesterday since today is already Sunday. And today will be another staying at home Sunday. I am so broke the thoughts of going out is like the last thing on my mind. Yeah, I need a job like asap but I am not seeking. I'm such a sloth I know.

The reason why I'm so broke is because I went out like everyday the previous week. Never ever before in my whole life have I ever been so in touch with my social life. I stayed home on Monday. Went for lunch with Daniel on Tuesday. Lunch at Seoul Garden with Sab and Liern on Wednesday before meeting Wendy and Debbie for dinner. In my defense, I didn't eat a full dinner. Just a few popcorn chicken. Treated my mum to Manhattan Fish Market dinner on Thursday where I spent like $60+ that day alone (no, not only on the meal). Went seeking for Aznita's birthday presents on Friday with Yus and we had Macs dinner as well. And then I was so exhausted I forgot to set my alarm, did not go for training on Saturday but went for Az's 21st celebration in the evening. And I stayed home on Sunday.

A week full of meeting different people but it contributed to my lack of money now. Boo hoo.

To be honest, I've always loved staying at home. The only bad thing is the part where I'll be glued to my laptop from the time I wake up (that's 1pm) till the wee hours of the morning (that's 3am. Or 4am) and I'll have to bear my mum nagging to me about it. I will have my own movie marathons where I watch all the chick flicks that I downloaded or watching like multiple episodes of shows like Ugly Betty/90210/Gossip Girl etc. And I'll be scrolling mindlessly on Tumblr, reading people's tweets on Twitter, playing Sorority Life on Facebook, chatting with people on Facebook, checking out people's new photos on their Facebook, playing Sally's Salon/Spa/Studio. And sometimes when I'm in the mood, catching up with books on my Adobe Digital Editions. See, I can do so much on my laptop. There is absolutely no need for me to get up at all. Just to bathe, eat, drink, shit, sleep obviously. And the best part is, home cook food is free :)

I think I desperately need to buy another shoe. I can list all my shoes because I remember them all. There's my off-white Converse which is what I've been wearing every day, the red shoe that I wore twice, the blue plimsolls that I wore once, the Levi's army-print flats which I wore thrice but is already like 4 years old (because it always gives me blisters), Mondo flats, Rubi black flats for formal/work purposes, Nike white sneakers for Hip Hop, black heels which was for Waves 14 performance and my worn out Ipanema black slippers. My mum made me threw away my favourite Everlast off white plimsolls because they are super worn out. They don't sell that at Everlast anymore :( And today I wore my black slippers with Baju Kurung all the way to Yishun for a Thanksgiving ceremony. I'm never the kind who buy shoes or bags and I really think I should buy some. When I have the money that is.

I want this kind of shoe

And oxfords and black Converse. Oh man, talking about this is depressing because I'm starting to see a number 2 in my bank account balance which is bad. Very bad.

My eyes are starting to have that cold feeling and it means that I'm sleepy. And I'm hungry. Oh god this is bad.

Shall end my post now. Expect more of this kind of posts in the days to come. Wordy and occasional, random pictures from Tumblr. I have lost my mood in making photo collages already.


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