Saturday, June 18, 2011

In my own artistic world

Hey ho its Saturday. Which means one thing. Another week is ending and July is looming + August and my future is still unclear. Urgh.

So anyway, I always have this fetish of taking 'artistic' shots involving inanimate objects when I go out or to eat. It irritates some people cuz they don't see the point in taking pictures without faces in it. Which is extremely narcissistic. Not that I don't have those camwhore shots, I do but sometimes you just gotta bask in your surroundings and capture them :)

The DEPM 01 people had a mini gathering on the 10th June @ Earle Swensen's. Its mini cuz only like what, 10 people turned up? Only half of the class. I had a busy day that day. Went for camp briefing (which I will talk about later as well. The camp, I mean. Not the briefing. HAHA) and then met up with Felin @ BHG to collect our pay. Oh and I probably haven't mentioned but the pay's extremely good. Since its under BHG directly and not through agent, we get the full amount and CPF not cut :) I know that CPF's is extremely important for the future. But come on, I already have 1k+ and I'm only 19. You gotta let me have some money on my own to spend man. So I was hoping at least $400 and I got $800+ :D Felin's was like 1k+ cuz she started under BHG like one week before me >.< I would have gotten way higher if I had ended with the agent same time as her! Tsk. And then we hung out at Macs where I ate some junk food before I went off to Vivo for the above mentioned dinner. After dinner, some of us hung out at the skypark @ Vivo (is that what its called? I'm not sure). There were some fireworks as well apparently from USS and some crane show which is so damn tiny we couldn't really make out anything at all. HAHA.

I don't really know what's the difference between Earle Swensen's and Swensen's actually. I will eat the same thing each time so no difference to me. Maybe the price? Hmm, I don't know.

So yeah, back to artistic shots. LF actually passed me her camera to take her pictures + the other classmates' photos but obviously I got bored and started taking the stuffs on the table. And fine, although the photos are not exactly artistic on its own but with added effects, it sure has that artistic feel. Like those posted on Tumblr you know :)

I'll show you the comparisons:

Original photo #1

Actually quite artistic already right!!! HAHAHAH.


See so chio :)

Original photo #2


I super like this one!! Self praise. 

Oh and you know how food menu always manage to make food look very tempting, when its actually not that fantastic? I tried that too ;)


 Not that tempting right? But


Tadaahhhhhh :)))
HAHAHHAAHHA. See I told you, I can be artistic.

Okay seems like I'm entertaining myself :) I used Picasa to edit by the way. I'm too lazy to use Photoshop. Its a tad too complicated for me to play around on my own. Okay fine, I'm just lazy.

Time for photos with people in it. Qide came later and Wanyu was overseas so its only me and Debbie.

 Both of us look very tired. But at least cannot really see my dark rings :)

And the annoying iPhone also has their own effects thingy. HMPH I'm still bitter that I'm not yet an owner of one :(

This according to LF is her artistic shot of me taking an artistic shot. HAHA.

I like this one though!

- End of topic - 

Okay I know I said that I was going to blog about camp but I'm tired now so maybe next post :)

Major wishes:
1) Dad will finally give in to me
2) Acceptance letter

Please please please please please please.

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