Monday, July 25, 2011

Good laced with bad, is bad

So I will not be a sloth anymore. I'll be starting work on Monday and the contract's for 3 months. Though its the same company as D, its a different department. Which sucks. Its a different level altogether. Urgh, but never mind, I did my calculations yesterday night and if I'm able to save $850 every month for the next 12 months (which is 1 year) I'll be able to raise $10k :) Sounds impossible, but I'm working towards it. I will, I must, I can. For the sake of education and my pride, I will prove to everyone that I'm not all talk, no action. Like some people.

I had a We Got Married marathon last night. And I think I'll continue again today since there's no new subbed episodes of City Hunter and Heartstrings. I'm a big fan of dramas although sometimes I get sick of them after say, 3 episodes? Then I'll stop watching them for a month or so and then watch them again with renewed interest. Not only Korean dramas but English shows as well. For now, I stopped watching The Vampire Diaries Season 2 after 10 episodes and Pretty Little Liars Season 2 as well. Probably will start again. Not very soon though.

There's about 15 dramas (Taiwan and Korean) in my external hard drive.

1) Meteor Garden 1 - I actually enjoyed it very much. I watched it more than once. 4 times, I think? I have no idea why I like it so much. It is sort of draggy halfway through and some brainless stuffs somewhere as well. People say the 2nd season is boring so I didn't watch.

LOL at their faces! Even Vic Chou looks bad here LOL.
2) Mars - Another favourite. I watched it 3 times. This drama is kind of intense with the characters having lots of complicated pasts. Part of the reason why I like this story so much is because of Vic Chou. I've always liked him :)

Oh yeah. You can never go wrong with bikes!
3) Silence - A so so drama. Watched it twice. Yes, there's Vic Chou in it. But the story is touching and I think someone died in the end. Can't remember. (There's only posters in portrait which I hate so I will not post it up)

4) Witch Yoo Hee - The first Korean drama that I watched. Watched it 3 times. Its kind of cute how the main leads got together. And how the girl was so awkward at first. But she's really pretty!

See, the girl is pretty! Oh yeah and the angmoh guy (Y)
5) You're Beautiful - I watched this when I was supposed to be studying for exams. I remembered there is like 5 days break before the next paper? And I was so hooked I couldn't stop watching. Finished watching it in 3 days and I watched it a couple more times after. The nicest part of this drama is all the eye candies (Y)

Jang Geun Seuk, Lee Hongki, Jung Yong Hwa FTW
6) Hi, My Sweetheart - Cute story and pretty sad too. And there's Show Luo which is an ultimate plus. But the storyline is really quite cliche so I only watched it once.

Rainie's look is nice in the drama btw
7) Secret Garden - This is another drama that I was so hooked into. I think I watched this during MST period. Storyline is unique though a bit unrealistic and the push and pull between the two leads gets kind of annoying at times. But overall its good.

Best drama ever :)
8) Playful Kiss - Good if you like brainless stories where boy hates girl but ends up liking her and if you like Kim Hyun Joong, not his acting. Which I do. But one thing I hate about the drama is that it makes it look like the girl is so stupid; forever pining and crying for the guy. And KHJ acting kinda sucks.

Posters are all in portrait. But since KHJ is cute...
9) Boys Over Flowers - The Korean version of Meteor Garden which is much better and more eye candies. Like the Taiwan version, it is draggy but the casts makes it better. Like I said, there are 4 eye candies. Taiwanese version, there's only Vic Chou and Jerry Yan. 4 triumphs over 2 :)

I see 5 pretty people
10) Prosecutor Princess - Surprisingly, I liked this show very much. When my friend recommended it to me, I thought I wouldn't because its not like a high school/college setting which I like. And the casts doesn't look pretty. The story is like Legally Blonde? A girl who is all about fashion and such who comes across as a bimbo and strives to prove herself. And of course some relationship problems here and there. (All posters in portrait)

11) Marry Me, Mary - The worst drama ever. Ever. Ever. It is so boring. And yeah I'm such a visual and superficial person that the reason I watched it till the end is because of Jang Geun Seuk and the other guy lead. But yeah its boring.

By the way, I hate JGS hair here
12) Jungle Fish 2 - The whole mystery concept is very intriguing and exciting. And the cast is all very good looking as well BUT the ending is like... When the whole scandal was exposed and the mystery was unveiled, my reaction was like, what the fuck. Seriously, you'd - okay fine, I did - thought that its some high profile secret. I mean a girl committed suicide!! Its not worth it to lose her life, seriously. But like I said, its intriguing. Only the ending is anti climax. (All portraits as well)

13) God of Study - Cute, very cute. I guess it was supposed to be inspiring? But sorry, I can't get inspired from watching dramas. About five kids who are very bad in their studies. And obviously in the end, they all succeed. Okay not all. 2 of them got into the best college or something like that.

The centre kid and the one on the far right is cute!
14) Coffee Prince - I watched this before when they show it on Channel U but I remembered missing parts of it. Pretty draggy and the lighting's have that kind of dark and dingy feeling. Maybe its just my video. Not a very good drama. (Since I don't really like the show, no poster)

15) My Fair Lady - Which I haven't watch. I think I watched like 3 episodes? But it doesn't entice me to continue watching so it is not very interesting. (ditto)

I watched Personal Taste and Dream High off YouTube but did not download them. Personal Taste is fine. There's one song in the OST which is particularly memorable. But the whole drama, not as much. Though there's Lee Minho! Dream High is full of pretty casts but there's too much drama and crying. And some of them cannot really act.

Good looking casts though
Lee Minho is uber cute
 Now watching City Hunter and Heartstrings! City Hunter is good. It has lots of action and its exciting when Lee Minho fights. The storyline is kind of good as well. I've never been a fan of action dramas because sometimes they can be fake but the actors for this one is good. I hope the ending will live up to my expectation though! I'm guessing someone will die. And its a main character. Sounds sadistic but that's how I think the story should end. And plus Lee Minho wears pink pants in every other episode. Heartstrings is pretty much college setting as well. But there's a musical storyline. So far so good. But the people who likes each other have to get together like now. Its annoying when they stare into space supposedly thinking of the other person and the sad song plays in the background.

The girl's damn pretty

Pretty, pretty casts :)
Okay I'm starting to think that this post is getting kind of long winded. But sharing is caring :)

That's all for now. Will be updating on my job when the time comes! Which is one week for now. Anyone have any job recommendations where I can work weekdays after 6.30pm and Sundays? :) At least $7/h pay! Text me, text me.

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