Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lost in the intricate fantasy of the mind

I'm spending my final 6 days of freedom with dramas, dramas and more dramas. And blogging and doing pointless stuffs that I always do.

Re-watched Mars yesterday night and I just finished watching it like 5 minutes ago. I must say its my favourite drama of all time. Although there's complex characters and complicated pasts but the love between the two leads surpasses everything. No wonder Vic Chou and Barbie Hsu got together after. I swear its the most intense drama that I've watched. Especially the scene where they *ehem* made love. Not that they show all the graphics.

And what intrigued me very much is how much I realised that I want to have so many of the characters in my real life. I want my boyfriend to be like Chen Ling (Vic Chou). All tough, reckless and stubborn but when it comes to love, he's willing to sacrifice. I so love the way he protects his girlfriend. And the good thing is that they're not too touchy and not too clingy to each other. When he leaves, he just have to say, "I'm leaving. Bye bye." Yet in more intense setting, he gives that longing stare. Okay words can't really describe my point. Point is, he's my ideal guy :)

Plus there is all the supporting casts. I want a best friend like Qingmei. The way she speaks up for her friends is remarkable. The way she speaks her mind is refreshing. She may be brash and rash but she's rational enough to control her own emotions. Of course I'm not saying that I don't love my friends. I do. But I've never come across someone who is devoted to friendship like she is.

Another last thing. I want my boyfriend's best friend to be like Da Ye. Even though he doesn't understand his best friend at times, but he sticks by him and supports him. And is willing to give up his love for the happiness of his best friend. Ultimate plus point, takes care of the best friend's girlfriend very well.

Oh this doesn't happen in the real world. Its just some intricate fantasy of mine that I doubt will ever come to life. Its a dream, yes but it doesn't hurt to dream isn't it? I love to daydream and think up of all the unrealistic scenarios and I'll be gratified even though I know I can never get them.

Right now I'm just having my own karaoke session. And enjoying it very much.

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