Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Next step unknown

I have not been blogging for so long already. Well, yesterday was my last day @ work so I can say that I'm pretty free now. Although honestly I'm so drained out from the last 2 days of full shift that I can barely drag myself out.

Looking back, I think I'm pretty blessed with every step that I took. Somehow, I will normally dread starting on something new knowing no one at all. But at the end of the period, I'll have friends and people that I'm comfortable with. Going into DEPM, I knew no one. And though I was sad that I didn't get in my first choice but it was okay cuz I have awesome classmates and my course is And then I joined dance and at first I only had Yus but then I met all the awesome people who is still part of my life now and then all the awesome juniors, I wouldn't know how I would spend my 3 years if Yus hadn't managed to convince me to join dance.

Going into Year 2, had my ITP and I really thought I'll hate it to the core. But nope, I had fun. Had an eye candy. Awesome colleagues and I got really close to PHT (though we haven't met up since then other than the occasional hi byes during mass lectures. Which is not often :/). It made my ITP bearable and I really enjoyed it as well. Of course ITP wasn't the first work experience that I had. During my Metro days after my Os. I went in knowing no one as well. But along the way I made friends and people were surprised that we knew each other only then. And then coming to work in BHG. I came with W and thought that hey, I don't have to worry about having company BUT we were of different shifts and I don't even get to see her. And guess what, I was alone with no company. But I made friends and I'm thankful that I have Felin for company all the way.

So yes, I should be thankful that although things do not always go like I wanted (Eg: Getting in double science class which was my 2nd choice in Sec 3, getting into DEPM, also my 2nd choice) it always goes well in the end and when I look back I'll be like, hey its better this way actually. And I always meet awesome people along the way.

The point of this whole post is that I know that things do not always go as plan (in fact, never) for me but yet it always works out in the end and in fact its the best for me. So now what do I do for my future? What if after I appeal, the 3 universities still do not want to take me? What do I do? Its so depressing to have all your friends around you, on Twitter, on Facebook talking about unis and yet you're stuck here with nowhere to go cuz you only applied to 3 and its the hardest ones. My GPA is not awesome. Its average. Maybe a bit over average. But I guess the rest is all way better than me. I really hope once more, lady luck will be shining on me this time. Just one more time please.

I'll be posting about graduation next. Yes, I will :)

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