Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The head just won't stop

Hello this is my 600th post :)

So yeah. Nothing much have changed since I last blogged. I'm working my ass off. Even taking up full shifts which is 10am - 10pm (weekdays) 9.30am - 10pm (weekends). Its no joke. So far, I got off the first out of the 3 full shifts that I'm scheduled for pretty unscathed. There's only one thing that is making me bear all this. And its money. And to think that I should have the right to do what I want with it. But oh no, spending 400+ is not necessary and I should be keeping the money. Like hello, I'm probably the most thrifty person in the house, other than my dad and like I was intending to blow off all of my hard earned money within one day. Seriously? I mean ok maybe blowing off $400+ for an iPod touch may be a bit too much but when else will I have the opportunity?! And I've been keeping track of my expenditure EVERY DAY to ensure that when I get my pay, I'll cover all of my expenses and will keep double that amount in my bank account. And I ALWAYS keep my word/promises. I don't know why is it so hard to believe. And yes, I'm planning on still giving some to my parents. So ya my reason for buying myself a treat is not justified?

Abrupt end of topic.

I skipped work the other day. Okay it was on Mother's Day, a Sunday. I was only having a mild headache and the part that my throat is all itchy and all is not a lie but I know I am still functioning properly and I could have gone to work. But nope, I decided to be sickly and went to the doctor to take an mc :) And that's when I discovered that my favourite doctor is no longer working at that clinic and its been 2 years since I last visited a doctor (Y). Oh and the fact that there are 5 types of migraines and my insistence all this while that my headache is just headache is so so wrong. The well known common story that its migraine only when its one side throbbing is a myth. Half myth. The throbbing pain from migraine is normally on one side of the head but it is not uncommon that you'll feel pressure on both sides. Plus there's the sick feeling and you'll feel the nausea. Which is so true in my case. But what's frightening is that if you're having migraines for more than 15 days in a month, it might be chronic migraine and medication is needed to control the migraines.

I should start counting the number of times I have migraines in a month??

And omg
Migraines are more common in people with depression, and depression is more common in people who have migraines. -
Depression?! I am not depressed. I know I'm not. Just pessimistic and anti social and laptop addict but not depressed. Definitely not. I really feel like going to the doctor and asking them to prescribe exactly what the hell is wrong with my head :(

At times like this, I really do wish that my family is filthy rich and I'm able to afford going to the doctor every time. There's so many things I want to find out and so many things that is wrong with me. My rashes, my knee problem, the migraine problem, the crooked teeth, the not perfect eyesight. Oh I wish.

For now, I'm just trying to do what I normally do which is eat panadol (though the doctor say that panadol doesn't help with migraines AT ALL), eat a lot and sleep before 12. Urgh and tomorrow is another work day. I hope I'm at Counter 2 (atrium) or 7 (sundries) or 12 (menswear). Okay 4 (cosmetics) and 17 (toys) is not so bad as well. Just not 20 (bedding) or household. And I really hope for an eye candy at work. Its getting so boring. With not much motivation.

Anyway, enjoy the two songs below. Totally different from their conventional auto tune.

Totally awesome 

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