Sunday, June 05, 2011

The middle child syndrome

Proof that I have too much time in my hands: I'm blogging everyday.

Not that its a bad thing :) But I guess people rarely blogs nowadays? Just maybe reblogging from Tumblr or tweeting on Twitter or stalking people on FB (which I also do btw).

So yeah. I've been having some issues at home. And I always question myself whether its just me or that people around me is really just so... annoying. And I'm reminded of something. The middle child syndrome.

Oh yeah. It does exists, you know. And *gasp* it can be chronic. Okay, I shouldn't be so dramatic. But I know whatever I'm feeling is not just because of me its also based on how people around me treats me.

First of all. I am the middle child (duh) and I have an elder sister 2 years older than me and a younger sister 3 years younger than me. As usual, I relied on Mr. Google again today and this is a few things that pops up.

*Excerpts in italics. In brackets are my thoughts. HAHA.

- The eldest child is the leader and he has strong decisive qualities that allow him to make firm decisions. This may be due to the expectations and special attention given to him by his parents. (Sort of true in my case).

- The youngest child is often lax and confident (erm no), probably the loudest (when she's fighting with me) and sometimes spoiled (not sometimes, all the time) because the parents have used up their energies disciplining the others. The youngest is not pressured than the eldest but never the less, she is give then attention she deserves.

- The middle child, is not given much attention (yeah true). Some characteristics: low self-esteem (yes), need support for anything they do (kind of), sometimes talents are wasted when they do not pursue their dreams (I don't know about this), feeling of emptiness (kinda), always lonely and jealous of others (yeah sort of), may be a little weird (this, I hope not), unfriendly (and this, I don't think so either) and even worse, psychotic because of the loneliness (haha no, I don't think so).

- Middle children have to try a little harder to 'be heard' or get noticed. The middle child usually has to fight harder for the attention of their parents and therefor crave the family spotlight.

- Middle children tend to be the family diplomats. They dislike conflicts and seek fairness and justice. They're 'people pleasers'. (oh so true. The many fights that I have to break -.-)

- Lack self confidence, would prefer to be followers rather than leaders, don't have the focus or the drive to achieve anything in life. They just take life as they come and don't make special efforts to do anything.

- They don't mingle much with people and don't have many friends. (this is kind of not true? HAHAHA.)

- They don't believe in relationship. Even if they try to maintain one, they are hardly successful due to lack of interest. (yeah true)

- They are a little shy and don't like to be the center of attention. But they would ensure that they do enough to keep things going. This attitude can be seen at school and at work place. (ditto)

- Sometimes a middle child feels out of place because they are not over achievers and like to go with the flow.

- They often start several projects but rarely keep focused long enough to finish a project. (LOL yes very true)

The positive:
- Extremely artistic and creative. If they get the right direction they can do wonders in the world of art and literature. They are not good at working under pressure nor do they like monotonous work.

The career I should go into?
- Jobs in writing or journalism. In these fields they would get a chance to bring out their pent up feelings. The pressure would be less as they are flexible in terms of hours of work and variety would be in their projects as well.

And my soulmate has to be the youngest in the family. Hmm.

This whole huge chunk has its truth embedded here and there. But some, I don't know. I guess I need an outsider point of view. I couldn't judge myself. It will just be plainly biased.

Some parts puzzles me. Especially about my career path. Now that I'm extremely confused over what I should do, this makes me even more confused. I'm not creative. At all. When people can come up with such fascinating themes or even like a group name that is not laughable or lame, I couldn't. I won't be the one who come up with the best ideas during brainstorming. And artistic?? No freaking way. I sort of hate art. I can't draw for nuts. I only like to draw architectural stuffs like how I want my room to look like and such. But that's not artistic! I can't even draw a proper star?? Ya I know retarded.

Writing and journalism. I've tried writing books but never finished them. Just maybe like 1 or 2 chapters and then I'll chuck it aside cuz I think its too lame. And endless. Since I don't really plan them beforehand. Journalism? What exactly does a journalist do anyway?

- off to google -

Oh okay. I really couldn't picture myself. And writing and journalism is not a career path recommended in Singapore isn't it? I myself shun local writers. Okay not shun, just never read them.

This research just depresses me more >.<

Sources: herehereherehere & here.

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