Wednesday, May 04, 2011

En route of independence

Oh how I wish my hair is half as well behaved and pretty as her hair.

Referring to the title, that's what I hope I'll be doing. Even though working is such a tedious affair for someone so lazy like me, my motivation lies in me knowing that I'm earning everyday I drag myself out of bed. Which excludes today of course, because its my off day. After 7 consecutive days of working. And you'd think that I would at least have some peace and able to bask in the off day that I'm entitled to. But no way.

And for those who is reading this, you'll be first to know that I'm extending my stay in my workplace. Okay not the first. So far, like 3 people knows? But yeah, one of the first.  For the simple reason that I have to start earning my keep and I'm sure that once the money comes rolling in I won't be full of complains anymore. For now because that hasn't happened yet, please forgive me for complaining everytime. Either verbally or on Twitter or even here. Can't blame me that I'm down with flu now. And tomorrow is another work day BUT Friday is another off day :) For now I pray that whoever is in charge would be more than happy to extend me and Felin's stay. Wouldn't that settle their lack of manpower problems?

Although I'm still trying to be enthusiastic, I'm not exactly that enthusiastic about work actually. Like hello who would when you'll miss:
1) Sleeping in until 1pm everyday
2) Watching a whole range of shows
3) Be in touch with Kpop news
4) Be in touch with whatever your friends are up to
5) Lazing around at home (which is kinda ironic that since I started working my mum has been forever nagging about chores everytime its my off when I don't even do it when I'm staying at home doing absolutely nothing)
7) Not having to bother about what others think of you
8) Not worrying whether you'll have a lunch buddy everyday
9) Not worrying whether you balance your sales at the end of the day
10) Not fretting over seeing Big J everyday

Oh yeah I have not blogged about Big J. She's not as monstrous as I thought she would be. But she's very nit picky about practically everything. And I think I might have made an entry into her book of blacklisted people (cuz I was short $12 yesterday. Which I am absolutely sure is in my float. Which is also not entirely my fault cuz I get so easily distracted when people are watching me so how do you expect me to count comfortably when there's a new trainee watching ME?!). I just can't seem to please her. Whenever she make her rounds in the store, I'm always doing something that I'm not supposed to do or my counter is not how it is supposed to be (Which is also not entirely my fault as well cuz how am I supposed to know where to put all the stuffs when I'm at different counters everyday and different counters = different orientation of items? Plus who could blame me when I'm trying to organise my coins since I changed ALL of them in the morning and I have no idea that plastic bags is such a crucial part to a counter?!). Seriously other than that, apparently she's fine. But she have never been exceptionally nice to me. Though she has been to F and W. Which I think is extremely unfair. Maybe she's racist. Hmm.

So what did I do today? Woke up at 2pm (though I woke up first at 10am then 12pm then 1pm and went back to sleep on all 3 occasions), ate some garbage food (Lays, custard puff & leftover Chewy Juniors), bathe, ate lunch, cleared my emails, backtracking on tweets and Kpop news (since I didn't turned on my laptop for 2 days), watched performances videos, bring the laundry in cuz it was raining and everyone else is either out or sleeping, ate some more snacks (Milo and bread with Nutella), transferred a whole bunch of songs and pictures to yet-another-new-phone of my mum's (this irritates the hell out of me), watched Oh My School, Tumblring to find a picture for this post and of course blogging. Yes, a whole lot of garbage stuffs if you ask me. But that's what off day is all about what. A break. A break, doing anything you want.

I'm very sorry for this rambling post.

I'm kinda getting worried and worked up that there's no acceptance letter. Am I that lousy and unworthy to go to any university. Okay maybe its my fault to be so overly confident and only applying to the Big 3 but I want to be somewhere better than my sister which means that SIM is out and I think that's why I didn't apply for SIT. FML.

By the way, is this sold in Singapore??!?!

An upgraded version of Yan Yan. I WANT!

Oh and one last thing to add. The General Elections is driving me nuts. Its like infesting the news EVERYDAY. And its mainly about the same stuffs about what this party is going to do to improve their area if they get elected. PLUS some of them have really bad English. Its not that I'm uninterested in the current affairs (Okay I'm not actually) or the wellbeing of the country (ditto) but like give us a break? Just make your stand and let nature takes its course. Or the voters make their mind without all the propaganda and promises (which may be empty ones for all I know). Maybe its the fact that I am not eligible for the vote so yeah my opinions doesn't really matter. Or maybe I'm still bitter that I'm 5 months short of getting that $600.

Okay bye.

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