Friday, April 22, 2011

Not wasting time

Hey ho. A short update :)

Currently working at BHG. Not gonna say which outlet. HEH. And back to doing cashiering again. Reminds me of Metro days. However, its tougher and way more complicated. There's a test and you have to pass 75% before you can open your own counter. BUT of course the awesome me, managed to learn theory and practical (yes there's this part) within one day and the next day just 1h of refresh and test. And I scored 96% :) So yeah I can open my own counter tomorrow apparently. Extremely nervous cuz even though today's my 4th day, I have yet to meet the Big J and plus I have to handle my own counter. Its like a whole new beginning. But anyway, its all good. I get to know a lot of Philippines people (who have 1 year attachment here. ONE YEAR WTF), the other staffs are pretty nice (other than the Big J apparently) and I have made like 3 new friends :)

So yeah, at least for the next 2+ weeks I'll be doing something productive :) Even though I miss my no-life-watch-dramas-and-use-laptop-all-day days, its for only 20 days, I'll survive.

1st thing to do after I get my pay: Buy myself an iPod touch. Yes, I will. 

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