Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dinner dates just got better

Heyyy I'm back again. I blogged yesterday by the way. About the Modern Graduation Party. I'm bored today so I decided to blog again.

Me, Sab, Weilin and Yanping met up for an Udders date on the 8th. This is only the 2nd time that I ate there. Even the previous time I ate it, it was with the same people plus Yus. HAHAHA. Even so I think I ate the same thing again. I'm such a boring person I know. We were all late meeting at 7pm. HAHA. Met Weilin on the way to Khatib and YanPing alighted her train so that she can board with us at Yio Chu Kang. In the end, we (okay fine, they said it was me talking) were busy talking that we missed the stop to Newton. It happens all the time to me. Bad luck to people taking the train with me. They must possess that iota of strength to ignore me :)

And yes, I traveled all the way to Newton for this:
HEHE. This is not mine. Sab's probably. Or Yanping's. I ate Choc Marsh. And the 3 of them had iphones. So I'm the only non iPhone user among them. While they are busy tweeting away and taking pictures on the spot I could only just tweet in words :( But honestly, I don't think I should even own an iPhone. I'm the kind who gets addicted to stuffs a tad too easily and I don't have the self discipline to stop at all. Imagine with all the apps and games and what not? I'll be more anti social than I already am :/

So Sab was experimenting with some app that creates photos with effects. Quite pretty actually. As in the photos not me. HAHAHAHA. I was lazy mode that day. No contacts, no hair let down and no layers in my clothes :/

This one is actually 4 shot after another. But as you can see I fail in taking different face shots one after another. Plus I think Sab failed in her counting to cue me to change expressions as well >.<
But it didn't look that bad right! HEHE. *Other than the top far left photo >.<

And then we went to eat at Texas Chicken. Since we were all not full yet. The chicken there is not bad actually. I only ate the spicy ones before. And the flavour goes in the chicken as well and not only in the skin. Just that I hate the chili sauce. It has that weird taste.

We rushed to Ion after that to get Amanda's present! HEHE. Hope she likes what we bought for her :)

Some other photos:


Love them a lot a lot :) Rest of the photos here.

Been compiling the photos with awesome fonts which I downloaded from here. Its super addictive that I downloaded 20+ fonts within 10 minutes today. Although I don't know when else I will use them but I guess I will fully utilize them in my blog photos :)

Been reading eBooks this past few days. Currently reading The Princess Diaries series. HAHA. IKR so Primary School. That was because I cannot find #8 of Sealed with a Diss from The Clique series by Lisi Harrison :( Mr. Google have failed me for the first time. Its very easy actually. Just download epub files and read Adobe Digital Editions :) Super awesome.

Anyway I'm currently addicted to this:

I have never been a fan of Rainbow. But this song not bad right! Its so addictive.

Okay that's all for now. By the way there's The Little Nyonya dubbed in Malay on Suria now. Its sounds so weird and I have forgotten how annoying the story is. Like I want to kill all the evil people seriously. LOL.

- Off to read Princess in Love now -

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