Monday, March 21, 2011

The peak and the celebration

Okay so I digressed and have not been updating. Blame it on my lazy self who hasn't been going out and doing anything productive and extremely lazy to filter out photos to upload.

As promised, this post is on ABE Annual Dinner & Dance held on 11th March 2011. HAHA 10 days ago. Not so bad la eh? :) Its my first time attending this kind of thing. Not that the event is immensely fun but I guess this kind of thing depends on the company, no? Since I had great company = fun indeed.

For that day I wore stuffs from home. Nothing new at all. The black dress is from Topshop and its my mum's, the gold cardigan is my sister's (don't know from where) and the black heels is from Waves 14 performance. My bag is the one I bought for Hari Raya so I can't remember from where either. Bracelets are my sister's as well and necklace is the one that I wear everyday.  Since its an extremely last minute decision, I guess I'm happy enough. The stuffs in my home amazes me sometimes.

Time for pictures :) (Of course its only those that I like. The rest is on Facebook!)

With Wanyu, Baoling, Jane and Huiting. Super hate portrait photos in my blog so that's why these are made into a collage! :)

FYP Group Members, Lingfeng and Wanyu! Oh those times >.<

Joan and Wanyu :)

Clique + Fadli in the center.

With Wanyu and Debbie :)

And more Clique photos! :)

They had this backdrop thingy where we can take photos and we can get the printed copies.
But I have 2 of those photos and I don't know what to do with them. The era where photos are kept in photo albums is way over :/

With our lecturer, Alvena Sam (far right). This is only like part of the class. HAHA.

And I like this one but apparently Fadli is blocked.

So we took another one! :)

In the ballroom itself. Again, not all of the class. Shermaine's dress is really damn chio. She won Miss ABE by the way! Totally awesome (Y)

 And this is after the whole thing ended. Again with Alvena Sam and the 2 who brought their boyfriends :)

And below are my favourite photos from the day :)

Major reason is because of the effects HAHA.

Hair didn't behave itself totally. And once I got home, it got really very nice. Like what the hell I know. But oh well.

Tomorrow is results day. And thinking about it makes me extremely nervous to the max. I have to sustain my GPA. I cannot afford to get any Cs at all. Grand total of grades is already 5 As, 23 Bs and 6 Cs. Cannot afford to get any Cs plus I don't even have a distinction la >.< Really hoping like mad.

Anyway, I'm currently using Rockmelt! Its pretty awesome though there's plenty of stuffs that I would like them to change. HAHA. But pretty much I'm happy with it. Like 70%. Once they can allow me to change my theme, make Chrome apps work seamlessly, controlling desktop notifications for feeds and enabling me to see DMs on Twitter, I'll uninstall my Chrome forever. Flock is kind of ugly so its nothing compared to Rockmelt :) After a week of using Rockmelt I blog all about it. Today is D-4 :)

Pretty much sound like a geek everytime I talk about computer stuffs. Recently figured out how to play SRT sub files with WMP plus playing all kind of video formats with WMP. Because of that I've totally uninstalled my VLC Media Player. Too many players already. I also have Real Player for me to download videos >.<. Mr Google is my best friend :)

These days my schedule is just dance and dramas. I should double up my efforts to find a job but its so hard to find those that is totally flexible, pay's good and preferably in the tourism/events section :/ Last resort would be the admin, data entry work.


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