Sunday, March 13, 2011

Farewell fellow comrades

This post is all about my 3 years in Poly life. I do realise that I rarely blog about my classmates. I guess in school, I spend more time with my dance friends rather than my classmates.

Well, throughout my Diploma years there are many changes in the friends I hung out with. As usual, when it was Year 1, everyone hangs around together and the group I usually hang around with is like super big with like 6-9 people? And then came Year 2, when the group lessens to 5. And then when one switched classes it came down to the four of us, D, W, Q and me. Q was my 2nd friend in Poly. And D comes after. W came last. But I started hanging out with both Q and W way before D joined us. I guess we all have our different characters and personality and there are times that I want to strangle them but well, they're my friends and I guess I learnt to accept them the way they are :)

But as a whole, I know that the class bonded more when we were in Year 3. And there's less of that awkward moment when you don't want to go class first before your clique comes. Though we were not as close as other classes but we had our laughs in our own way :)

We had a class BBQ some time ago. Yes, its super belated. But oh well. It was held at Cassie's place. And I had lots of crab stick! (Y)

The class people who came! Not all turned up la.

And the class took pictures on our last day of school. I suddenly got the feeling that we suddenly became bonded. Even ate lunch together! LOL. But its all good :)

Prom post next! :)

True enough, I'm aching all over >.< But pain is good :)

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