Friday, February 25, 2011

Boredom got the better of me

What a random time to blog now. But I'm currently waiting for Heroes (a Korean variety show not that draggy English series) to be downloaded. It says 484/723 MB, 32mins left. So it would be such a waste to go to bed without waiting for it to finish. I don't usually download the show. I just watched it from the video streaming links. I watched like 3 or 4 episodes today? And its pretty good. Damn funny. The laughter it brought me is totally like watching Family Outing.

Oh yes, I still have exams. But no I haven't start yet. Just wrote a bit of stuffs from the lecture slides onto the lecture notes for Special Events. HAHA.

So yes, I got bored and my hair is so chio tonight that I decided to cameroid again. I'm using 'cameroid' as a verb cuz I have no idea what to call it.

Last picture with no effects. And I look damn sleepy. This was taken 5 minutes ago btw and trust me I can barely open my eyes now. 25 mins left >.< I think my dad caught me while I was taking these photos. Damn embarrassing.

You know, I really have to find my own motivation to go out on my own seriously. My butt is expanding in size because I'm just sitting and using my laptop all day long. And no form of exercise (cuz my exercise = dance) Yes, I have no life tyvm. My life now, when I'm not studying that is, revolves around shows and more shows. Heroes, Oh My School, Pretty Little Liars. What else. Yeah that's it.

Btw, I came across this tumblr: and omfg the pictures of rooms they post up is simply (Y). I always have this fantasy dream house which is damn huge that there's no way it will ever become a reality LOL. I even have drawings on how I want the rooms to be! So anyway check this one out:
Like seriously?! No I don't like the colour. I absolutely hate the colour. The structure is damn cool! Imagine if its like a more darker shade it will be more awesome! But actually, I would rather the bed on the floor kind like this:

I don't know why. The other kind of bed, the common one is not my cup of tea. And look at this its circle! Where got people use circle bed you tell me?! Apart from the too many pillows and the classy looking pillow cases (seriously) and the side table - oh wait that's everything else apart from the bed. Okay la I only like the bed. And is this by Fendi!? Got the FF logo thingy at the side.

I'm totally like talking to myself now. 12 more minutes. Faster faster.

Anyway, this is so true for me:

Okay fine, I don't even know whether I tried like studying way before paper ever in my life. I've always been the last minute studying kind. And yeah, I'm not saying that I score major well but its kind of good actually. I'm hoping that it will work again this time round. Come on, last time in Poly already must make it work la.

Which reminds me, I have yet to submit my NTU applications. And SIT and SMU. Damn. I'm so lazy seriously. Why can't they just make it as simple as NUS. I would have settled all by last week if its like NUS >.< My mum is positive that I'll get into NUS and I didn't bother to break it to her that I'm just 3-ish and others who get into NUS is with 3.8 and above? Oh well.

Omg 7mins.

If you have read until this line, thank you very much <3 I'm totally rambling.

Kthxbye. (3 more minutes lalalala)

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