Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Right where reality doesn't matter

Hey ho. I must be damn bored to be blogging so often nowadays HAHA. And I just remembered I have not yet blogged about Waves 15. A bit too late already? Or should I still blog about it. I bet I will confirm get all sentimental again. Oh whatever. I'll think about it later HAHA.

So I've been reading some books lately. I'm a real bookworm actually and really like to read. I want to be those intellectual kind of reader that reads like really deep or based on true life story kind of books or even like those classics and all. But I guess I'm never the kind who is into Literature and stuffs. Although I did quite okay in my lower secondary Literature and they don't have Pure Literature in Upper Secondary so yeah. HAHA. I have Great Expectations by Charles Dickens and Emma by Jane Austen but I have yet to finish either >.< So yeah in Secondary School it was mainly romance and those no brainer happy happy kind of story stuffs. But later on, I got interested into thrillers (Russell Andrews and Cody McFadyen FTW).

So recently, I decided on not reading thrillers cuz once I start, I cannot stop and will be damn hooked and I will get kind of paranoid at night. You know like thinking there's like a serial killer in the house and will slowly come and get my family that sort of thing >.< So yeah anyway, since I have not been going out and thus no pretty picture to post (of myself obviously) I shall do like a book review kind of thing.

The 2 books that I read in the last week. Borrowed from school. Woodlands Library suck now. Seriously. Majorly pissed off when I went there just now. I think I'm going to miss the school library. Probably cuz like no one in SP reads books thus the forever available books. Hello, reading is good ok. All those people who is able to borrow from school do it do it! TSK. (okay why am I getting pissed). So yeah:

1st book: The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
*Wanted to include a picture of the cover but Mr. Google gives me too small images >.<

Meet Rebecca Bloomwood.

She’s a journalist. She spends her working life telling others how to manage their money.
She spends her leisure time … shopping.

Retail therapy is the answer to all her problems. She knows she should stop, but she can’t. She tries Cutting Back, she tries Making More Money. But neither seems to work. The stories she concocts become more and more fantastic as she tries to untangle her increasingly dire financial difficulties. Her only comfort is to buy herself something – just a little something…

Can Becky ever escape from this dream world, find true love, and regain the use of her Switch card?

The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic… the perfect pick me up for when it’s all hanging in the (bank) balance. - 
The book is pretty good. And those shopohalics will be able to relate to it quite well. HAHA. And I watched the movie (Confessions of a Shopaholic) which was a mixture of all the shopaholic series after that. It is those kind of books that are enjoyable to read but you won't exactly be hooked that sort of thing? HEHE ideal for bedtime reading!

2nd book: Remember Me by Sophie Kinsella

Lexi wakes up in a hospital bed after a car accident, thinking it’s 2004 and she’s a twenty-five-year old with crooked teeth and a disastrous love life.But, to her disbelief, she learns it’s actually 2007 – she’s twenty-eight, her teeth are straight, she’s the boss of her department – and she’s married! To a good-looking millionaire! How on earth did she land the dream life??!

She can’t believe her luck – especially when she sees her stunning new home. She’s sure she’ll have a fantastic marriage once she gets to know her husband again. He’s drawn up a ‘manual of our marriage’, which should help.

But as she learns more about her new self, chinks start to appear in the perfect life. All her old colleagues hate her. A rival is after her job. Then a dishevelled, sexy guy turns up… and lands a new bombshell. 

What the **** happened to her? Will she ever remember? And what will happen if she does? -
This story is really endearing but unrealistic. HAHA but when I'm reading it, obviously I read it before I go to bed, I'll be like fantasising if it happens to me >.< But overall it is a pretty good book as well!

I guess Sophie Kinsella books are mainly like this so its pretty much the same kind. Those girly story kind (Y).

So today, after I went to collect my passport (come on, bring me overseas now!) I decided to pay a visit to the Civic Centre libary. Its probably been like 2675466 years since I last went. And I seriously don't know what happened to all the books!! So I went to find Sophie Kinsella and there's only one there. Then I went to Carole Matthews and still there was only one only! And same for Russell Andrews and Cody McFadyen. Like wtf. Ok fine I'm making a big fuss again. But anyway, I was choosing a few books but realised that I shouldn't be so over ambitious about borrowing four and just borrowed a book by Holly Peterson titled The Manny. Not a thriller. HAHA. And I have never read from this author before so I don't know how good the book will be! Looking forward to reading it soon :)

I really think my English is degrading alot. My Malay is confirm like really horrible already. So this is my attempt to try to improve my English >.<

Alrighty, that's all for now. I'm having fun having conversations on Twitter. Totally like MSN. Only that its made public HAHA.

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