Sunday, December 05, 2010

Whatever will be, will be

For the first time ever this is not a just-woke-up-time. Its a Sunday and I woke up at 7.30. All for Standard Chartered Marathon site visit >.< Usually I would have woken up at 3pm. Woke up with a headache. The day did not get any better. Some effort would be appreciated really. I want to stay back and follow sometimes. Some more with the stupid sun shining on my already throbbing head. How much worse can it get?

So anyway, I have this thingy about sleeping in the afternoon. Previous times it has worked but now no. I cannot take naps or sleep in the afternoon. The part about it keeping me fresh the rest of the day is bull to me. I will wake up fine feel fresh but back to sleepy in like 1h time. So that's why I'm not in my bed now taking an afternoon nap which I would normally do if today was last month. My body must be pretty screwed up.

I'm supposed to be studying. But paper's on Tuesday and I can't study early so today is a full break :) HEHE. And I know I'm supposed to blog about Sab and Gladys' celebration but I haven't put together the photos yet. So many photos!! HAHA.

Went to Ms Nora's wedding yesterday before the SHHK concert (which I will blog about after BY and YY have uploaded the photos). It was major awkward cuz I don't usually spend time with the crowd that went. The only person that I'm close with is F and she have a bf now so yep. HAHA. I brought my camera but decided not to take any pictures. So below are all from my friend's camera in which I was tagged in FB :) *Except for the first one.

At home, getting ready.
Trimmed my fringe again. Why does the fringe grows faster than the rest of the hair?!

While eating:

The people who went:

HMM I was pretty stiff in all of the pictures >.<

And this is with the bride and groom!

---------- End of wedding post ----------

Read some Zodiac stuffs today. And there is such thing as having 2 zodiacs! Its called cusp.

If your birthday falls near the beginning or end of a Sun Sign (see dates below) you were born on the cusp. Essentially you have the characteristics of two Sun Signs combined

Since I'm born on 22nd august, I'm a Leo-Virgo cusp :) The stuffs are really true la. But I don't like the fact that Leo = arrogant. I'm not arrogant :( But this part is true: "This cusp is conflicted by Leo's drama and Virgo's lack of sociability." Ironic and totally incongruent with each other but I get what its trying to say. Maybe it also explains my mood swings. HAHA.

Alrighty that's all for now. I'm currently downloading 90210 Season 1 and 2. I haven't watch the recent 2 eps of The Vampire Diaries and I haven't started on GG Season 3 but I shall watch The Mentalist now. Its the best show ever.

Kthxbye. Again, please click on the ads :)
Or else it will take me 63524675 years to pay back D for D&D :(

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