Friday, December 03, 2010

I feel the earth move under my feet

I'm in a good mood so I shall blog again. I blogged yesterday btw :)

What happened today:
1) Came for R's tutorial (was late, as usual) and then discovered that Career Fair report is due 12pm and not 5pm. So rushed off to library to print with D. Urgh I hope if marks are deducted it will be just a little. Was 30mins late! >.<
2) Tutorial was okay
3) Waited for CHE. For damn freaking long.
4) Got some directions and instructions though she sounds pretty unsure herself. As usual. She don't even read our stuffs I think.
5) Met with J to get her camera charger. She's kind enough to lend me for the weekends. Her camera is already with me anyway since Saturday. And I don't have to fight with my sister for camera usage this weekend. I love you Jiahui! HEHE.
6) Ate McDonalds with LF and W. Sinful. But whatever.
7) Went to get SMT :)
8) Been customising my laptop again! Its getting super addictive. I changed the taskbar icon, Chrome theme. And now my laptop theme is changed into something damn nice and even the start icon is different! Happy. Though the little buttons for play/pause, next and back for WMP is gone. Must be the theme. But I like this theme. *sulks (Okay I sound like a geek >.<)

So yeah that's what happened today! Nothing special. BUTBUTBUT I've got good news too!
1) My Subaru check has arrived! Though I over withdraw so that $XXX will have to stay inside :(
2) V sent me a message! Remember that comment he made on my photo? Well I intended to send him a message but he beat me to it. And despite the spelling/grammar error, I'm happy enough :)
3) Plans for tomorrow have been finalised! Will be meeting D, F and A to go to Ms N's wedding. And then will be with D and the rest of RSS moderners to SHHK concert! (Y) So its like secondary school gathering. HAHA.
4) Oh and my laptop is damn chio now :)


Btw, do you know that sleeping can lose some calories?! At least 8h of sleep is sufficient. No wonder my sisters are skinny. They sleep damn long!!! >.< I should sleep more! Which is almost impossible >.<

DEPM 3B/01 (my class) had phototaking ermm that time (can't remember the date LOL). I have no idea what is it for cuz since when ABE have yearbook?! But anyway yeah. It was taken in the rain and I had to miss part of my choreo training. OH I think it was a Wednesday! So these are the pictures. *Its not that well taken -.- And D purposely skipped it so its not a full class.

See what I mean by not well taken? -.-


Informal shots:

And its all taken in the rain la wtf -.- So yeah. And no I don't think I'm the shortest in class (am I? Gosh I hope not) but to be fair some of them are wearing heels okay. I don't like wearing heels so I kind of look like a midget or something. HAHA.

Alrighty that's all for now! I'm looking forward for tomorrow and I'm going to wear my contacts too! Mummy already ironed my baju kurung (for the wedding), I already handwashed a white top that I want to wear, washed my contacts, am charging my phone and the camera now! I shall not risk being late cuz I didn't prepare beforehand. HAHA.

I'm supposed to be studying this weekend but oh well. Happy studying people! And good luck :)

Kthxbye! CLICK on the ads :)

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