Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ranting makes a post damn long

Today marks a short break (1 and a half day) this week. Though I've got to admit an extra day = a day to catch up with work. BUT apparently I have to celebrate Hari Raya tomorrow >.< Not that I don't enjoy it but I prefer some me time with all the hectic stuffs going round.

I striked off 2 items off my never-ending stuffs from my sticky notes on my desktop. Entrepreneurship presentation is finally over today. The presentation did not go as well as I would like it to be. But I believe S is fair and will grade us accordingly. Even if we don't perform, she has given us much compliments during the tutorials. That is something to be credited for right? And Negotiation tutorial have been compiled and sent. So there, 2 items off my list :) There's 2 reports and another presentation to worry about. Oh and of course nagging behind my mind, the three letters, F, Y and P.

Yesterday, I wasn't looking forward to dance. I was aching all over and I have no idea why. And I was mad tired and exhausted. I could actually fall asleep while doing work. But surprisingly, at the end of the day, I didn't regret going. In fact, I enjoyed myself. Dance have this sort of effect on me. No matter how much I dread going them, once I'm doing it, I enjoy it. Weird I know. People will usually do what they enjoy. I guess the main reason why I fear going dance is cuz I know what kind of dancer I am. I am slow but lazy. I am inflexible but undetermined. I'm not the best and neither am I hardworking and I don't push myself at all. But when I get determined and motivated, I can do things that even I don't know I'm capable of. But yeah I admit. I'm lazy. And its not a person or the surrounding that can motivate me. Its me. Okay I don't understand what that means. But I know that no one can talk me into doing better and it doesn't matter where I dance. Its just when I feel like it, I'll do it. That's why I fear dance. Urghhhh I don't think I'm making any sense.

Bottomline is, I don't regret taking up dance. HAHA.

I saw this while finding a picture to put at the top:

And I realise how much I miss having an EC :( There's none currently. My life just revolves around school and dance and the people in it are those that I've seen for 2-3 years, their stage to be an EC is over. HAHAHAHAH. And yeah I miss V. Very much. Kind of miss H cuz I couldn't have conservations through sms like msn anymore. I guess I'm not ready to open my heart just yet.

Abrupt end of blog post. I don't know what else to rattle about. But anyway I shall share with you this video:

By 2NE1! You'll get goosebumps hearing them sing. I know its not that recent but hey I'm still loving it yo. They are awesome awesome awesome :)


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