Saturday, November 13, 2010

On the outside


Oh I miss blogging :( I have almost no time to spare plus I get lazy to put in pictures. HEHE. But I'm back hey yo.

I said this like million of times and I tweeted like 753645137645 times on how many things that I have to do. Oh wells. School  is school and I should suck it up yo. That's what being a student is all about. I just have to work hard and hopefully the results will go my way.

Went to BMW World at Marina Bay Sands on the 10th (super backdated, I know). It was pretty awesome. I get to see cars, even bikes! OMG I AM SO CRAZY OVER THE BIKES YO. I WANT A BIKE NOW NOW NOW NOW :((( But anyway, let the pictures do the talking okay :)

This is the exhibition:

Its free I think? So you can go there. Its till tomorrow! HAHA.

Us at the entrance. 

Oh we got this cool thingy. Its like a receiver thingy. The guide talks on her microphone and all of us can hear her. Don't know what its called. But to be provided with these, it must have costs a bomb for them.

I love red cars.

This car below is damn cool. Its made of fabric. Looks like something from batman right! HAHHAHAA.

When the car door opens. It will go back like in the first picture with no creases whatsoever (Y)

Obviously I took more pictures than this. But its like vertical and I don't like to post vertical photos and I'm lazy to edit. HAHAHAH I know I'm such a lazy person. But anyway, below are pictures of bikes!!! And its so unfair that although they are first known for their bikes rather than cars (I paid attention during the tour!), they have like numerous cars but like what, 5/6 bikes? So unfair >:(

This is the fastest bike (in the world? HAHAHA. I paid attention, but I don't remember LOL)

Taking pictures at the BMW board. Okay I made that up. I don't know what is it called. HAHAHHA. And this is the only vertical photo that I'll allow. HAHA.

With BaoLing! My secondary school friends is from her primary school and my poly friends is from her secondary school. Such a small world.

Us again.

Some of the cars were available to sit in. And obviously we did. HAHA.

Must take pictures with the bikes!

In another car.

And another.

Debbie testing the car horn. Which doesn't work btw. Either that, or she didn't press it. HAHA.

The car is four seater but only has 2 doors. Which means that the front door have to pushed to allow passengers to enter. Abit small on the leg space but the open roof thingy is (Y).

Got the staff to help us take picture! HAHAHA.

Overall it was pretty awesome :)

Okay I'm getting hungry so I shall eat now. If I'm in the mood I'll blog one more tomorrow :) HAHHAHAHA.


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