Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pockets all filled up

Okay technically its not the next day yet but I'm done with my drafting of letter for quotation so here I am. I have no idea why I don't just sleep.

I don't know how many times I said this but I'm really glad that I got the Subaru job. And I got like 4 days! So I really really really hope the contestants can like last for 5 days? Till Wednesday after 7am cuz that's when my shift ends! HAHA. And then I'll earn around $200? Not much but hopefully it will be enough to tide me over for Waves.

Obviously, I have lots of things that I want to get and all that. And it sucks to not being able to have them. Some people just have money overflowing while I have to thriftily spend money from my Nets (which actually I'm not supposed to so that's why I only can use a very small amount) and asking for extra money from my dad is one thing that I'm scared of! HAHA though he always give but hello, I feel so bad :( 

So today, Thursday, 2.04am, I'll make a list on what I would do if I have money. Shopping is sort of near to last in my list. HAHA.

Scar removal/Skin treatment

I have lived with my scars for like 8 years already. I remembered my rash started like when I was in Primary 5. Scars are considered to be the worst thing for a girl to have :( I still have rashes especially on my legs thus the skin treatment. I want it so badly :(( But it will probably reach to like thousands and not hundreds. Its hard especially when people question me why I wear jeans on such a hot day >.<


Those straight teeth. I want, I want, I want. The dentist recommended me to wear braces since I was like what in Primary 1? 12 years have passed and I still haven't got that metal stuffs in my mouth. Yeah its the cost part that's hindering me. I want to smile with teeth again. I used to but then I found out certain angles the crookedness of my teeth is super obvious so I changed my smile. HAHA.

Licence and Bike!

Bike preferably. The idea of driving in a car is not appealing to me. Its extremely awesome to have the wind on your face. To be fair, I've been only a passenger so its syiok for me la. I'll probably be sleepy if that happens to be when I'm the one riding it. Then obviously after I get the licence no point if I don't have the bike right? So yeah I always believe it comes in a combo. Since I don't have an income, I have no means to pay for this. And I'm not asking my dad cuz he has lots to settle. My elder sister's uni fees are horrendous!

Permanent hair removal (LOL)

I have no idea why I don't have hair on my fingers yet I have hair on the rest of my body. Like shouldn't it be in my system? HAHA. Sure I have fine hair everywhere else (including my head!) but hair is still hair yo. Its such a hassle to shave. Full stop.

Brain treatment

I doubt there's such a thing but yeah I really want to get my head checked. For two reasons; Headaches and Short term memory. I get headache usually on 3 occasions. When I'm hungry, when I didn't get enough sleep, when I shout too much. That's why I cannot diet!!! HAHA. And my memory is super duper bad. I don't remember like 9/10 of my childhood :(

Okay fine the last one is ridiculous but hey that's where technology comes in and doesn't technology improve everyday? Maybe engineering, medical, science and psychology students can work together to create such a thing! :)

So yes this is my list. And obviously not forgetting the normal wants such as iTouch la, new phone la, my own camera la. The list goes on. But the one I mentioned are those that I confirm cannot get even if I save for a year :(

Oh wells. Life's unfair and sometimes suck.

On a totally random note, I'm loving acoustics and country songs now. Taylor Swift's new album is pretty awesome! I downloaded the whole album :)

I should be sleeping. Class, site visit and Subaru! Long day. Good luck for those doing vetting!

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