Monday, July 05, 2010

I guess

Back :) Skipped ESH today and took a nap. Feel better now. Hopefully the kind souls took our attendance.

Last Saturday was a long day. Had YOG at Mandai Camp at freaking 8am. And we didn't do anything much cuz it was raining and they changed the song. So yeah, in short it is sort of a waste of time. Even had time to play games all that (Y) And then I had to rush off to go to the NDP rehearsal that my dad got tickets to watch. Ate LJS before that. The place was damn hard to find. Anyway it sort of sucks cuz it was raining and they missed out the poncho in my bag. Like only mine. But the tote looks better than the past years though.

This is the design that I got. Ok I look damn sleepy. And obviously I was. Let's just say that I didn't really enjoy it. And seriously, I hate the marching segment. Performing is way better than watching. Just watch at home. Trust me, its way enjoyable. At least you don't have to be in the rain for freaking 5 hours!

I had to go to a death anniversary on Sunday. I think that's what its called. I just know what its called in Malay. Oh well. Had to help out in the kitchen most of the time. Brought my laptop thinking that I want to do some work but guess what, my grandma's house no longer have wireless >.< So ended up I lug my laptop for pretty much nothing. Oh but at least I get to see F :)

You know I think the kids born in this generation is damn lucky. Not that I'm old or something but like it was still pretty much conservative and not as advanced. I only had a handphone when I was in Primary 6. Now even those in like lower primary has it. And last time the in thing was a handphone and it was without colour. Now? Their first handphone is probably an iphone. Talking about that, last time it was this MP3:

Almost everyone has it. I have the black one. It costs me $149. But now, its pretty much extinct isn't it? I still have it though. No idea whether it is still usable. HAHA. Yeah, I guess I'm jealous. 

I logged in Tagged again after like 2 months. And I read through the past messages that I exchanged with strangers. H, R, H, I, D, F. And some continued to smses. But no, I stopped all contact. Though H still sms me now and then. But of course the ultimate is V. Reading them made me miss him. Yes, I know I was the one who stopped the chatting. Should I start again? I don't know whether he'll be the same. I think the last time I talked to him is like 6 months ago. Or maybe one year. Can't remember. 

I like that even if I cannot chat with him (cuz I was still using the stupid modem that time) we still exchange messages through Tagged or emails.
I like the times when I had to stay up till like 3am to chat with him because of the time difference.
I like the way he asked me how to say I love you in Malay and remembers it like months after that.
I like that our messages and conversations always end with XOXO.
I like that you call me little girl. Cuz I am compared to his 183m.
I like that we both like Walk Away by Aloha From Hell.
I like how we buy each other in Pets in Tagged.
I like how we will send each other Luv and you can only send 3 everyday and you never fail to send me at least one.
I like that you are so happy when I'm able to come online.
I like that you compare me to other girls around you.
I like the fact that your English sucks but you always try to make me understand.
I like that our birthdays are just one day apart. He's 23rd August :) 

But what I love the most is that since we never met (and never will be, I think), I can tell you practically anything and you won't judge me. And obviously we have different perceptions and you are able to be open minded and tell me straight what you think. And we are able to tell each other who we like in school or at work (J that time). Okay I think that it will just go on. My sister thinks that I should sever all ties with him. But for me, there's nothing wrong. And anyway, its not like we're going to start a long distance relationship or something. I feel like he was my escape everytime I talk to him.

Oh I'm getting sentimental again. Well, I want to start chatting with him again. But I never make the first move before and I'm scared that he doesn't. I guess I'll have to take the risk if I want him back right? 



  1. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Oh those memories. And I remembered I was talking to AP at that time.

    X D

  2. HAHA (Y) All memories. Must start making new one already :)
