Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I don't like you

Read some astrology stuffs yesterday. Not the daily horoscope kind that says, 'today you're going to find someone who will be with you forever' that sort of thing. Then when you go out of the house you'll get all paranoid and then when a guy talks to you and you'll think oh it must be this guy. That one is ridiculous la.

What I read is like characteristics of a person based on the month they're born, the date they're born and all that. So this is based on my birthday, 22 August.

  • Fixed and strongly motivated by the will to succeed.
  • Strong and dominant, you nurture a formidable desire to organize and rule others.
  • Acting eccentrically or with pride and without forethought is your weakness.
  • Will courageously handle all the difficulties of life.
  • Stunning, intellectual, magnetic and attract others with their enthusiastic solar power (sounds like some science experiment).
  • Nurture a subconscious fear of death and decay but nature gives you a strong mind and robust body.
  • Love animals, especially horses (Not true. I run when I see animals. Though I never get close to horses before).
  • Tend to be weak and accident prone in the back, knee and joint areas (Yes, I know :( )
  • Cautious, deliberate and believe strongly in your principles. Argumentative and biased.
  • Extremely moody and are very sensitive in matters of the heart.
  • Mathematical and mechanical aptitude (whatever that means).
  • Like to take risks and go against the flow if you strongly believe in something.
  • So according to this I'm a Leo. Other times I can be a Virgo actually. That's why I say the daily one is ridiculous. If one told me stay at home better the other say go out better, I have to split myself into half??
  • Usually generous, assertive, faithful and responsible.
  • Least compatible: Pisces and Capricorn.
  • Most compatible: Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.
  • Can be pompous, stubborn, self-satisfied and arrogant.
  • Can be easily hurt.
And this is the part that makes me pause and think:
Though you know many people and love to mix, there is still a part of you which stands aloof and keeps you standing out from the crowd, you get along with them but you tend to follow the formalities when it comes to friendship.

Its not a good thing, I know. And I guess it is true to a certain extent. 

I'm into a moody phase now and I have no idea why. I get so pissed off so damn easily and everything seems not right. Like today.

Anyway, watch this! Taeyang is damn hot :)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

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