Sunday, June 27, 2010

The last

Its the last day of holiday. Not that its much difference anyway since I've been coming back to school. But still. Urgh. Oh well, I guess its just part and parcel of life. No more videos and no more waking up after 12pm. That sucks.

Yesterday was kind of fun. But tiring. I did not come for Modern training. Don't ask why. Long story. We did the flashmob and welcome dance outside of the studio as they want to take a video of it. And it was damn freaking hot I was drenched with sweat. But like I said, it was fun. I bet after this whole thing is over, I'll be thinking that its a damn great experience just like participating in NDP and Chingay. Ate at BK after that. Wanted LJS, but oh well. Cineleisure is not a fun place to be at night. Alot of unsightly people.

Anyway, I've been starting to watch Indonesian shows again. I don't think I've mentioned it here before. I started watching it like a few years back in my secondary school days when my dad managed to tune in the TV to get 2 Indonesian channels, RCTI and SCTV. HEHE. And I remembered I was damn hardcore back then. Like will watch everyday that kind. And then I lose interest and then now I'm watching them online :) It all started when my dad switched on RCTI to watch all the World Cup matches and somehow there's dramas in between (Y). What's good is that there is no need for subtitles cuz pretty much I can understand what they're talking about. My mum went like, you got so many shows you watch. English la, Taiwan la, Korean la, Indonesian la. International is good.

I don't know how's school gonna be tomorrow. People keep reminding me that I'll be getting my MSTs back starting from tomorrow. Like wth. I don't even remember and thanks to them its all I think about when I think of school starting. Though I don't think I flunked any paper, I really don't know what to expect cuz I really did study last minute this time round. More last minute than before >.<

Anyway, I started a tumblr blog like last week? I think. Its pretty awesome. You can follow me HERE. The reblogging thing is really fun. And within one day I have like 25 posts? HAHAHAH. Here are some of the things I reblogged:

Not that I don't like the Twilight saga. I just think its funny. HAHA.


And this one totally summarise everything:
Yep! So go open up Tumblr now. HAHA.

Okay I'm rambling. Bye! :)

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