Tuesday, June 29, 2010

As it is

Hello! Have I blogged about the first day of school? Naaah I don't think so. HEHE.

Anyway, school is boring as usual. But but but my MST results that I just got back made me pretty happy :) The best I've ever done so far. But then again I don't want to be overly happy or excited or what cuz what the heck, I only got back 2 papers. Still have 3 more to go! How if all 3 I score badly? Oh no no no. I shall not be THAT pessimistic. Oh well. Will be getting back 2 tomorrow so I shall see how :/

Now that school have started, all the work coming in again. And yeah, I hate it. I guess I have to really get out of my holiday mode. But its damn freaking hard I'm still not used to it at all. There's 3 things to do. And I haven't started any. Tsk. Then again, I have only myself to blame isn't it? All the procrastination and the slacking around :(

World Cup is reaching its peak soon! Paraguay vs Japan and Spain vs Portugal later. Right right right? I think Paraguay and Spain will make it through. HAHA. But anyway I have no idea how Paraguay and Japan plays and I heard that Spain is good though I think Portugal is awesome too. I'm getting fickle minded again. Oh well. My sister supports Brazil (she even painted her nails green with some heart shape and weird lines in yellow) and my dad supports England. He was near to cursing during the England vs Germany match.

Oh oh! My dad got 4 NDP rehearsal tickets for this Saturday! Exciting much? :) My dad always gets this kind of tickets but no one will go and watch. The 2 Singapore Idol Finals tickets that my dad got is still on top of the cupboard collecting dust. HAHA.

Dara with Taeyang. Can't wait for his solo album to be out! 1st July :)

Alrighty that's all for now. Shall do my work now :)

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