Thursday, June 03, 2010

Its a feeling

I did not go to school today cuz I woke up at 8.40am and my class is at 8.30am and its pretty much revision so I did not come. Didn't even remember turning off my alarm :( I should try to sleep before 12am man. Its like becoming a really bad habit!
I was reading Abandoned by Cody McFadyen and obviously I cannot stop >.< Yes, the book is really good.

Intellectual stagnation isn't just slothful, its unattractive - Cody McFadyen
Love is just a chemical reaction designed to encourage propagation of the species. - Cody McFadyen

So true, so true. :)

Other than Cody McFadyen, I've started reading Manga again! Came across this manga in the school library:

And yeah, I like it very much :) HAHAH. But the school only has until Volume 6. Its either that or its on loan. I'm going to find the scans online and read! :)

Anyway, I'm currently listening to Diana Vickers. She was a semi finalist on fifth series of British's The X Factor in 2008. The album that I'm listening to was just released in May. Yes, I googled her! HAHAH cuz I have no idea who is she. I only came across her song, Once (which is the song on my blog. DO NOT MUTE) from god knows where and the song grew on me so I decided to check out her other songs. :) And I just recently found out that Ryan choreographed to her songs for his Lyrical Jazz II classes!

Check it out HERE and HERE. And its awesome as usual :)

Her songs have that indie feel to it? I don't know how to describe it. But I think my choice of songs have changed from pop rock to the more alternative and indie feel. HAHA. Though I still love listening to pop rock once in a while :)

I got her album from HERE

Alrighty that's all for now :) I won't be updating that often because of the SSL shit that I'm getting when I'm using XP so yep my posts will not be so frequent but it will be definitely longer! HEHE. And MSTs is like in 4 days time? And I haven't start studying. I have like 5 freaking paper by the way. Boo hoo. Okay bye!

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