Thursday, April 15, 2010

When it just happens

I was lazy to update when I reach home. HEHE.

So. Woke up early for modern genre training. I slept for like 4h? Woah was damn sleepy all the way. Didn't dance much during genre training cuz Ryan focused on the rest. But the choreography is awesome la. I like! HHAHAHA. Its totally my kind cuz not much techniques. :)

After that went to Far East for lunch and Fried mars balls after that. Yeah, fattening I know. But they made me walk from Cineleisure to Far East okay! Do you know how far that is! And then went back to school. And the plan to do LA totally fail. Johnny couldn't do much with us cuz he got CCA Drive to do and we were all feeling tired and sluggish so like danced a few times and that's it. I'll be dead tomorrow. >.<

Didn't join the rest for the FO Party cuz I wasn't in the mood. HAHA. If I were to go in this state I'll be a party pooper. So yep reached home quite early. LA tomorrow! Please, please, please let me get the steps and the timing and the feel. :/

Sometimes I don't know what is my strength anymore. When I first join SDZ I was totally into hiphop cuz my Modern sucks although I danced it for like 4 years in Secondary school. So I joined BOTH modern and hiphop and I enjoyed hiphop tremendously. But running has always been my enemy so I stopped going because they were doing PT and all and I just couldn't take it. And then all this while I always think that my modern looks awkward plus flexibility and determination has never been on my side so I didn't improve much. So when opportunity comes for me to do hiphop again, of course I'll grab the chance right? But guess what? When I'm doing both An's hiphop and LA hiphop now I just feel as awkward. Which is so damn frustrating cuz I was thinking since my modern sucks maybe I'll do better with hiphop since I enjoyed doing hiphop more than modern previously.

So yep, I'm rambling. HAHHAHA. Neh mind. Waiting for videos to be uploaded (yes, again) and then hopefully I can sleep earlier than 2am? >.< Okay bye! :)

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