Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Busy bee

Hey yo. Long day ahead today. Sorry for no updates on Tuesday. Just stayed at home playing FB games and watching videos. So yep. Will be away for the whole day! BYE!

And do help me click on the ads. Thank you very much! I love you <3 HEHE.

Thursday, 2.51am
Sorry my timing is all screwed up again. Anyway I came home like 12am? HAHA.

Woke up early to watch FOP performance by Impossible and the Bboys. Was supposed to be on time but I off my alarm and before I knew it, I went back to sleep. HEHE. But anyway I did not miss the performance ok! Its good but the audience is dead. Impossible dancers are awesome. Definitely better than the showcase itself :)) You all should reward yourself for all the hard work! HEHE. But seriously la, the audience is really -.- They actually fucking shush us when we cheer! Like wth. Then when the Bboys were performing, any sane person will cheer for the stunts they do. But no, this crowd doesn't. -.- And then they came out late so we only managed to get eclairs for them. After taking pictures, we all went to FC5 to have brunch. The place were soon infested with freshies so we left to MPH. While waiting for Bingo to start, practiced Don't let me down for awhile.

Bingo was pretty awesome! Kudos to Ida and Wing for the day. :))) Its really fun luh. HAHA. I think the game itself was not that enjoyable but combined with the Truth or Dare, it got damn hilarious. Some more I was beside Cheng Hao and Amiel. Walau eh they keep on cracking jokes and I was laughing all the way. I got a dare myself. HAHA someone has to write on the soles of my feet. Doesn't really take daring person to do that but ohwell, no complains. :) I think everyone had fun! HEHE.

After that had instant noodles before having Modern session. I don't know whether my lifestyle should be considered healthy or what. I dance every other day yet I'm eating like all the unhealthy stuffs. :( So anyway, sessions was okay. Really liked Don't let me down choreo. I think I do have the feel. HAHHAHAHHAHA. Yes, first time I'm praising myself ok.

Waited for ML for like 286357 hours. So now I'm home trying to upload videos and photos on FB from Jiahui's camera. Yes, I brought back the memory stick again. So far the photos are all uploaded. Trying to upload 1/4 videos and its taking freaking long :/ Am I doing something wrong? I'm not even playing any FB games! And I'm damn sleepy now. Urgh. Okay I shall wait some more. My limit is supposed to be 3am but apparently I have exceeded that.

Sorry for the wordy post. HEHE. BYE!

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