Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Results day

So ended up I didn't stay up to wait for the email. It came at like 9am la. And the sms came at 8am. But obviously I only realised it at 10am? Checked my phone and went back to sleep. HAHA. My results are okay. Not exceptionally very good and not the best that I've done but I maintained the 3 point-ish. :)

My muscles are aching and I don't know why. Yesterday's modern genre training wasn't that taxing! Tsk. But somehow the muscle aches overpower my knee pain yet again. HAHA. Hopefully it will be like that throughout cuz I don't think I'll be going to buy knee guard. HAHA.

Anyway, combined training later. Hopefully I will see this week EC. I don't see him that often as last week's one. So it sucks. Okay bye. :)

THURSDAY, 2.02am
Combined training today was normal. But skipped Bboy like from the start cuz my knee hurts. Its really not an excuse to slack, it really hurts. >.< Today was different cuz ITP people came. HAHA. Ok its only Aug and Sab. Aug really took an MC and Sab is having her off day. :)

Had a short modern session after that. The juniors have to do their assignment. :) Danced When You're Gone for awhile. Obviously my steps are still like..... Again, I'm trying not to use my knee as an excuse cuz I doubt even if my knee is okay, I'll be doing it the right way. >.< Anyway, had a lot of fun today. :) Especially with Sab around and kuku Jiahui. I miss the times when we all hang out together during sessions! Like ALL of us.

Anyway, today is quite a happy day. I get to see EC. Make that ECs. :)

And I've got good news! I lost weight! Dancing totally helps. Now I wish there were dance on Thursdays as well now. :/

I like this very much:

I remembered buying like I think 4 boxes at once when we were at Giant/Shop and Save during ITP time. And then me and PHT will be munching on this. And the 4 boxes will only last us for like 2 days max, which takes really a lot of control and willpower. HAHA. Anyway, its my midnight snack today! So awesome. Damn cheap some more. I miss my Kopiko Milko. Should I make a trip to ValuDollar shop tomorrow? Hmm. Nah I doubt I'll do that. HAHA. Okay bye! :)

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