Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday is not good

Today is like my suay day or something la. Its like really really a bad day. First I woke up damn early like 10.30am for Yus to pass me YP present. Then I couldn't sleep back and I'm only meeting Weilin at like 4pm. Then I wanted to print my stuffs and firstly the printer just hang there and after I figure out what happen, it ran out of ink and I only printed half of what I want to print. Because of that I was late to go out. Then I went down and missed the bus and when I reached Woodlands, I missed the train and the next train was like 6mins? So obviously I was late to meet Weilin. Then hiphop. I think this week's choreography is harder than the last week. And somehow I could get the basics but when it comes to steps and choreography my movements are like shite. And then I waited for the performers to come back and their performance is like 9.30pm? And I couldn't contact Gladys and I was fucking hungry and Jieling has to go home and everyone else was leaving. I felt like such a fool waiting for so long so I went home. And what's worse is that I only saw EC after my HH. Which means he sees me in my most disgusting state. >.<

The only consolation is that my mum cooked laksa and I had my dinner. The last time I ate was at 2pm? That's like 8h of not eating. And Jieling was willing to wait with me for like so long although she has ITP tomorrow. Sorry. >.<

See, its such a bad day. I hope tomorrow will be a better day. :(

Tuesday, 12.09am
Okay fine, one more consolation. But it still doesn't erase whatever that happened.

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