Friday, March 26, 2010

Just dance

LA Hiphop and Modern session later! I am not thoroughly satisfied with my blog yet. :/ So I shall make the changes later when I reach home. HAHA. This is like the best replacement that looks like my previous skin. I really liked the previous one! Okay bye! Update later. :)

SATURDAY, 12.48am
Hello! Let's see, I was kind of early for LA today. Anyway, its really awesome. But I know my techniques is totally not there yet. Isolation and control especially. :/ The choreography is really really very nice but requires lots of control. Shall practice it! Then had lunch at LJS Clementi, with Strawberry Milk Tea. :) After that Modern sessions. Urgh. I don't know what I should do about my knee. :( Urgh urgh urgh. Annoying. If Ryan is coming for trainings all the more I won't be able to do the things that I have to do. :/ Did When You're Gone for awhile. Gladys say its like a farewell dance. Aww. So now I'm watching Survivor and WGM Gain and JoKwon! Modern training and watching Dance Delight later. :) Please knee, can you just heal already?

Anyway, today is not really a good day. The best day this week so far? Wednesday. :) Okay bye!

SATURDAY, 2.59am
I can never get sick of Gravity seriously. And so should you! Don't mute! :) HAHA. Anyway, I forgot to say, seeing the juniors working hard for the showcase is making me feel proud. They are already doing much better than some of us which is awesome. :) Will be looking forward to the showcase! And one more thing! Jieling says... my face looks smaller :))) Of course I don't usually take that as a compliment cuz my head is already the smallest among everyone I know and I'm already so small as in short, the word small just doesn't sound very appealing in my dictionary. But anyway, she said it after I said that I lose weight! HEHE. Means its a compliment yeah?

My aim of going to bed early always fail la. I can never have the urgency to sleep before 3am nowadays.

I love you, you love me, we are happy family.

I have no idea why this line suddenly come to mind. :) HEH. I love you. Do you love me? HAHAHHAA. Okay I'm kind of in a good mood and I don't know why. BYE! <3

Alrighty made changes to blog yet again. Of course I'm never satisfied so I shall work on it on Sunday! HAHA Now really going to sleep. Good night. :)

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