Monday, March 29, 2010

Hip to the hop

Hello! I woke up at 8.15am to meet Debbie and Wanyu for breakfast today. HAHA. Was supposed to meet at 9am but obviously I was late. And I had my usual hotcakes!! :)

Anyway, hotcakes was awesome and the company is like super lovesick? Been so long since we meet up eh. HAHA. But I was damn sleepy. >.<

And then they both went to town I think, I went home to sleep! HAHA. So I just woke up now. And I'm thinking whether or not I should have lunch. And then I have to go for hiphop! HEH. I didn't paint my nails :( Only cut it. Oh well. Shall try to do it tonight! :) Okay bye!

TUESDAY, 12.45am
Hiphop was short today cuz An an did not come. But it was good cuz I'm able to recap the choreo taught last week. HEH. Then I didn't want to go home and the rest were doing their Modern showcase item so I slacked in MPH. Okay not totally slacked. Talked to Chen Min and Shina. And we did Wacking! HAHAHA. Its kind of fun. :) But again, my feel is not there. Then recap LA on my own and did Hiphop. Oh and Eclipse for awhile but not really full out. HAHA. Oh and my knee give me problem again. It will just suddenly give way on its own. >.<

So guess what? I'm going to have breakfast before Modern genre training again. Yes, at Macs again. Yes, in school again. HAHAHAHAHHA. How to save up for itouch like that? Although we initially thought it will just be a quiet breakfast but ended up the word is spread. But its okay. The more the merrier although it wouldn't be a quiet breakfast anymore, eh? HAHA.

Oh and one more thing. AH IS BACK!! I think I wrote about him yesterday? And was just talking about it to Wendy and Debbie just now and hey he appeared. HEHE. But I don't feel like talking to him so when I decide to appear online later, I won't talk to him I guess. Unless of course, he talks to me first. :) HEH. Ok bye! Watching WGM now! I will sleep before 3am! :)

Please do help me click on the ads whenever there are any! Thank you! <3

I don't want to waste my time on you anymore. There's others so why do I think of you. Urgh. Annoying shit.

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