Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I'm back to having muscle aches again. :( The muscle ache in my thighs overpower my knee pain as mentioned in the previous post. And my neck is pain again. Urgh. I think I'm doing things wrongly since not many people is experiencing it. :/

Anyway, Combined training today. Oh before that went to TTSH to accompany Gladys eat lunch. That's the lunch date I mentioned in my PM. Don't think too much. :) The 6 Happy Ending dancers and me. HAHA. I know, quite extra. But what the heck. Met Augustin as well. Then after Gladys went back to work and Angeline went to school first for her meeting, we didn't know what to do and we're not allowed to explore the hospital >.< Then ended up we went to Haagen Dazs at something square shopping mall. HAHA. Ate fondue! It was pretty awesome but immensely sinful. And it costs like $40+! HAHAHAHA. Thinking back its kind of expensive eh? But its really nice so its okay. :)

Combined training was okay. Thank god did not do baby freeze cuz my neck hurts like mad. Then went to watch SP Experience performance again. HAHA. Daniel Ong was the emcee. And yesterday's one was better. It got pretty draggy and I was dozing off. HAHA. Even their performance (especially Bboy) was better yesterday. Then went to FC5 supposedly to eat but all were closed except for Bang Deli and Cheers and I don't feel like eating instant noodle so I just bought snacks. :) As usual chit chat. Then after awhile some had to go so we (me, Yus, Jiahui and Amanda) went to Moberly since it was available. Danced for awhile. And my hiphop is getting more and more retarded. :/ BUT meeting early tomorrow to practice! Even got Jiawen to come earlier. Yay! :)

Okay I think I shall eat something. I just realised that I haven't eaten dinner and I'm starving! I don't care about the F word anymore. The 3-letter one not 4-letter one. HAHAHAHHA. As long as I don't look like it, I guess its okay. :) BYE!

Thursday, 1.29am

Both me and Sab listening to SNSD's new song. HAHA. 

I like 2AM's I Did Wrong as well. :) Anyway, I can only sleep at 3.11am cuz I just ate. :/

Alrighty, going to bed now. :) Its been 2 hours already. And I'm damn sleepy already. I hope tomorrow will be a good day and I'll have fun :) And of course, I get to see EC. HAHA. GOOD NIGHT!

Okay I'm not going to bed yet. HAHA. Just to answer some of your questions as to my habits on MSN. Okay firstly I switched off my notification thingy even when I'm appearing online and not only busy. So I have no idea if you sign in or if I have new emails. Then secondly, I don't normally start a conversation unless if I have something to ask you. In short I don't start random conversations. But if you start it usually I'll continue! HAHA. Thirdly, I like to appear offline. HAHA. Especially when I have no mood to chat with anyone. And lastly, I do block people but I only do that to mainly mat contacts from Tagged. In fact I never blocked my friends before. Other than that time Sab and me wants to try out how is it like to block people. HAHA. So don't worry. :) Okay that's all. BYE!

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