Sunday, January 10, 2010

I need more space

My laptop is running out of space!!! In the C Drive that is. The bulk of it is from my music and videos. TSKK. Annoying. Maybe I should get an external hard drive. Why can't laptops have unlimited capacity?! So anyway, I am currently downloading Hi, My Sweetheart and YGTV. HEH. Oh and of course while doing my research.

Open house has been pretty fun. Alot of people probably knows Dance Club thanks to those who were cypher-ing. Just got a msg from Yus saying there's another performance on the 30th. My assignments are piling up like shit and I'm like procrastinating alot. My results is only average so I'm not too entirely happy with it. I'm kind of scared for my future cuz I don't know what I want to do. :/

On a brighter note, I have a new crush. Only 3 people knows about this who knows who he is and so can relate to my experience with him. HAHA. Now that my Raska rarely sends me messages, my life is pretty much out of ECs. Though I realised that I've been noticing alot others around me who I never really notice before. Which is good isn't it? HAHA. I realise that I can fall for for people pretty easily. Just be nice and attentive to me and I'll totally notice you. HAHA. Not a good thing at all. This new crush of mine remembers a small detail that I told him just in passing and is totally attentive and concerned about me especially when we were eating. But like I said, its just a crush cuz he just knew my name like a few days ago and that was only one encounter that we talked and spend time together. And I haven't talked to him since that encounter which is like 3 days ago? See. Just one time and I think too much. So easy to please. Tsktsk.

I'm waiting for my sister to come back from doing her hair so that I can get my Strawberry Milk Tea. I drank 2 cups of it yesterday and I still can't get enough of it. Oh of course I didn't buy 2 at one go. I bought when I came home from dance then when my sis came home she bought for me again without asking me first. HAHA. But whatever it is, Strawberry Milk Tea is the ultimate best. Okay la I don't know what else to update. Byeeeeeeeee.

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