Monday, January 11, 2010


Still in school at T15. I hate the idea that I have to lug my laptop to school and stay back after 5.30pm just cuz I want to have the freedom in using the internet. Okay fine and skip my religious class. Projects are always the perfect excuse. I do feel kind of guilty - okay not really. Anyway, I am planning to do my work of course. Not just happily downloading videos. HAHA.

By the way today is hunky ideal EC birthday. Like I said, he's taken. He's like celebrating with the gf now. Yeah, I saw them. I shall not dwell on something that I shouldn't have though it sucks very much that I have to see him like 3 times today. Okay la bye. Will update when something interesting enough happens. HAHA.

Okay I've downloaded 2 episodes of YGTV and 1 episode of Hi, My Sweetheart. And no I did not get any work done. Procrastinating like shite. But anyway I think I shall go home now cuz I'm getting hungry and I want to pee and since I'm alone I cannot possibly go to the toilet as there is no one to look after my laptop when I go. I think I shall continue my work at home. At least I've done my Resource Procurement which is due on Thursday and school starts at 3.30pm tomorrow. Come to school for like 2 hours only and its like gobsmacked in the middle of the day. Haiz. What to do. Wait I have meeting tomorrow. OMO how can I forget? HAHA. Okay la I really want to pee already and if I never eat soon I'll get a terrible headache. BYEEEE!!

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