Friday, October 02, 2009


OKOK I shall calm down and tell you all what happened.

So I was having meeting with Siew Keow so I didn't check my phone. Then I was doing my work and I remembered that I haven't checked my phone. There is 2 messages. One from YussyKuku and the other from.... Jake. =) He was like, haha having fun working? So I was like, so random la you. blablabla. Then he said that he's in the office! He's at the side office (the one where I used to be) and he said that he's not sure whether he can come in to the main office (the one where I am at now). So I was like walau then come here don't want meet me arh. After awhile he came into the office and was talking to everyone else and sloooowly reach me (I am seated at the most back of the office). So turns out that he brought his friend here for interview (malay, not cute). Then he used my laptop to go Facebook and show me his picture cuz the guy is in interview so I don't know how he looks like. Then he was like, he's attached. So you don't (mumble mumble mumble) -- don't know what he was saying. HAHA. I take it as a good thing but YussyKuku said that its not. Then he said that he might be coming down to SP to check out the cheerleading people. Anyway he was telling me how he met the president (which was redundant). Then he was like saying that he knows where they train but he don't know the school (is he hinting that I should bring him around?). He said that maybe he'll come down after watching movie if it did not end late. So I was like, just msg me lorhh. And he said, ok. Then his friend finished his interview so he have to go. HAHAHHAHHAA. Happy worhh. I'll be even more happy if he's coming down! =) Although now that I think I won't be able to talk to him anyway cuz I'll be having practice. DOINKK. HAIYOOOO. Okla okla. I shall resume my work and see how! =)

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