Thursday, September 24, 2009


Okay so what happened yesterday? Nothing much I think. The office was very fun though cuz we kept on talking. HAHA. Then me, PHT, Jake and Eugene had lunch together. And we shopped at Giant and ended up like spending 15 bucks on snacks. Came back and stuffed everything in a drawer. Anyway, they left all of the chips on the table making it look like I was the only one eating. But everyone is amazed that we (me and PHT) can eat so much yet we're not fat. In fact they say that we're slim. Their words not mine. Although Jake the insensitive one was asking us about our weight and he said that we are considered overweight in cheerleading standards. But obviously we don't care cuz we're not cheerleaders so heck cares. HAHA. Then me, PHT and Jake was all squashed at the back of the van when going home time. Yes squashed. Cuz Jake is beefy and the muscular kind so ya. And he likes playing the stupid games on my phone. After a while he discovered that all of the people is gone and there is only us so he said that it is very silly for us to be all squashed like that. HAHA.

Dance was fun. My back can do wonders sometimes. I wonder how's Pearl's one is like (huh? how how how?? I know you'll read this! HAHAHA). Oh I got my heels so I'll be practising in that later! Anyway the picture that Cherie took where we all were doing the poses look damn sick and its my wallpaper! HAHA.

Oh my he's so nice. Oh I didn't say! He have to move office (yes very sad and its so silly cuz its his second last day! TSK) and so now we are not in the same office. And obviously the main office is hard to do your own stuffs so he's not online and there is not that much communication today. BUT he kept on coming into our office! HEHE. Ya ya anyway the part that he's nice, he just came in and asked what am I going to eat since apparently there is no Malay food stall at Beauty World. PHT was like, "Err Macs?" And he was like, "You can cross the road to Al-Amin (I think that's what he said) and it is all like Malay food there." So nice right! Then he was leaving and I asked him, "You're going lunch now?" (Its already 12pm the first batch of lunch people was leaving) He said, "no". Then I was like, "Then so random come in here ask so suddenly". Then he said, "Oh I was hungry and I thought of food". But then, thinking of food does not have to link to asking me where I can eat so that means he's thinking of me! And what I'll eat of course. HAHAHHA. Okay I know I'm reading too much into this. Just rambling laa. Oh ya he said the reason that I'm cold so easily is cuz I don't eat proper food. Which is true but I shall not make him know that he's right. His head will just get bigger. Oh my I think I'm gonna miss him very much after Friday. HAIZ. Okay I shall get some more work done then I shall enjoy lunch later! Will update if any interesting thing happen! BTW SAB! He also tilt his head to one side when he's confused about something. HAHAHHAHAHAHHHHAA.

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