Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Let's see. So today was okay. Huiting moved in to the office as there's a new guy taking over her desk (name is Jimmy. So not cute. Very nerdy. And like what PHT said, 'gong gong'). Then I thought it will be a day without Jake. After awhile I checked and he's online. So I talked to him.

nadiah says:
sick again? (cuz the previous times he didn't come, he was supposedly sick)
Jake says:
coming now
nadiah says:
ok see you
Jake says:
cya at ngee ann (lunch is at ngee ann's makan place every Tuesday)
what's your num ar? (at this point of time, I am hyperventilating in the office. Luckily Huiting was at another table. I was smiling like a kuku laa.)
nadiah says:
you're meeting us there arh?
Jake says:
nadiah says:
Jake says:
cya soon

So he met us at Ngee Ann. We had lunch together and he was telling us about his birthday celebration(s). Anyway, we had to attend like two briefings on CAFEO. Damn boring, I can just sleep there. The first one was more general and there was a quiz at the end of it. So we got kitkat each and we managed to get one big bag of Ruffles (sour cream!!). Me and Huiting kept on snacking. Jake refused to eat with us as he said that he has to get back into shape. HAHA. Anyway, there was one point of time when me and Huiting had to go somewhere and I left my phone on the table and he asked me to bring. When I was in the meeting room during briefing (without the phone), it occured to me that maybe he wanted to sms me cuz the rest of us in the room have to attend the briefing and its just him. So slow me. Anyway, we chatted a couple of times on MSN. HT finds it damn retarded but who cares. HAHA.

So when we were going back, I was complaining that I had no one to eat dinner with and he was like asking me whether I take very long to eat. Cuz he have abit of time to spare before his training. Then kuku me was like, don't know. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Then Choon Aik was like, he wants to accompany you la. Then I was like oh, nevermind laa. Cuz I was scared that he'll be late for training. Haiyaa should have said I eat very fast horh! Inside the train, he pat my head alot of times and hold my head to prevent me from falling. But he and HT is getting along very well and it is very worrying. Okay yes, abit of jealousy. OMO he just signed in!! Okok I can't really remember what else happened. The only highlight of today is asking the number part. HAHAHAHA. BUT Friday is his last day so I'm not really hoping so much. OMG he is chatting with me onlineeee!!! OKAY UPDATE SOON. =))

Let's just say that I am very happy. Talking to Jake and Raska! And Jake gonna call me tomorrow. Which I don't understand cuz he's the one who needs a wake up call laa. Not me. But whatever, he's gonna call me so I don't care. OKAY BYE. The flashing orange things below is very distracting.

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