Thursday, September 17, 2009


Guess what? J is off today. TSKKKKKKK. How can he do this to me?? Even Mary's having leave which means only me and Pearl are in the office. And she's not even here half of the time so its just me alone in the office. OMG I can just die. Please save me.

Dance was okay yesterday. I can feel my bruises on my knee, hip and under the area under the armpit. I have no idea why. And my floorburns on my feet. OMG. Cherie's choreo is killing me. I'll see how I'll fare in Pearl's (SDZ-ian not the same one who is in my office!) choreo doing it in heels. Fighting! Oh and of course anticipating what Shina has for Street Jazz.

Oh my the office is so silent and empty. I can just dieeee. 8 hours to bear! :/

Okay this is the worse day ever. Not only do I have runny and blocked nose, cough, bruises and now I have cramps. LIKE WTF. 3 more days left!! Can't it wait?! TSKKK. Now I have to pay back. URGHHHH.

I am not gonna be working in an office when I'm in the industry maaan. Its so fucking cold can? The thing is, there is 4 seats in my office. Mine, Jake's, Mary's and Pearl's. Jake's is the coldest cuz its directly underneath the aircon. Mine is second, followed by Mary and then Pearl. Yesterday I switched to Pearl's seat which is supposedly the least cold one but guess what, I was still very cold. And I was wearing 3 layers mind you. Then I don't like the seat cuz my back is facing the door so the first thing a person sees when they enter my office is my laptop screen. Which is not good at all. So I switched back today. Pearl kept on asking me to switch to either hers or Mary's but I don't want cuz really there's no difference at all for me. Its cold like everywhere. And of course to add on, I'm sick so it makes it worse. I don't know when I need to complete the 3 (yes, THREE!!) banners by. I don't think its even important to have one la. Okay fine I should start now. BYE.

Tagged is annoying. What with the Pets stuffs and people buying me. And the meet me thingy. And people sending me messages. And anyhow give me their number. Hello, what makes you think that I'm going to contact you? Idiot-o. They just don't get the hint.

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