Friday, September 18, 2009


Last day of Week 2 of ITP. Like I say its been going relatively fast. Anyway, I am totally not in the mood to even do anything. I know, I say this like everyday. But ya. The bottom part of my body hurts. That means waist down. TSK. Dance was fun yesterday. But I still think that I haven't nail down the steps and timing for both Pearl's and Street Jazz choreo. Street Jazz was hard. Brian said I was okay but Shina doesn't look thoroughly satisfied. So I think I'll have to work like extraextraextra hard! Fighting! Thank god there's no practice today. A day for me to rest at last! It occured to me that since my training is cancelled, I can go out with J after all. I probably haven't mention it here that J asked me out to celebrate his birthday today (though the actual day is tomorrow). Okay its just not him and me its with his friends. So in other words, me, him and his friends. Yes, awkward much. So ya since I said I can't go (cuz I thought there's dance) then I shall just carry on with the plan. Anyway, he has a habit of patting my head. Like I'm a small kid. HMPH. Okay probably compared to him I am but still! I am perfectly mature enough. I actually told myself to not write about him anymore as I have to start to distance myself away from him so that I won't feel like dead after he's gone. But obviously, I cannot resist. And anyway. People don't want to listen to my stories about him anymore which is sad so I shall just be rambling here. He's outside doing recep stuffs. Which is super silly cuz he's just the temp staff and it sucks cuz I'll be leaving after lunch break and I can't even spend like an hour in the office with him. Now he's moving to and fro from my office to the main office as he is asked to transfer files over. So poor thing. He wanted to move the whole cabinet instead of bringing the files in groups. It will be faster but he decided since he's been paid by the hour, better just make use of the hours. HAHA. Okay la will update more when anything interesting happens. Today will have to attend the Angels' Roundtable thingy. I wonder whether they really use my banner. I'll be surprised if they do but I'll be mad if they don't cuz I took one week to finally get a design that Choon Aik likes. I have to work on 3 banners. 1) IES Awards. Logo so hard to think! 2) Karaoke IG. Trying to make animation :/ 3) Photography IG. Maybe include some polaroid shots. URGH I hate this.

Okay the cupboard which stores all the files that J is supposed to move is right behind me so everytime he comes, he can see my screen. Better publish this fast. BYE!

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