Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tongue tied

I have been diligently doing my work before lunch break. And now I'm like 80% done with my work. WOOTS. Jake said that he's coming in the morning and he only came after lunch! WTH. His definition of morning, "The sun is up and it is very bright." -.-
Talked to him for only awhile as he is counting his hours so I don't really want to disturb him. He did tell me he's going to the beach and I went like, "So?" The idea of him tanning and looking at girls is not very comforting. So I left him and went back to the office. He came in after awhile and patted my head again and said bye. Haiyooo and retarded me was just like, "Bye." Haiyooo. So silly. I was really tongue tied. But the comforting thing is, he said it to me only and not to PHT although she was just seating beside me. HAHA. Okay I know, I think I've got to like get a new one maaan. If he's not doing anything, neither will I do anything. If a guy likes a girl, he would do something and there's no such thing as a shy guy. Okay fine. No worries, I am not depressed.

Thinking back, god must have listened to my prayers. I prayed before ITP that the working hours will allow me to go back for dance. Which came true. Cuz work is only til 6pm and its fixed hours not like the rest. And I also prayed that I will have enjoy my ITP. Which is partly true as well. Cuz I have PHT and Jake as company and the work is not bad after all (with the exception of the banner). And and and, the most important thing is that, if I passed the interview with threeangles production, I wouldn't meet Jake. So maybe that's why I'm not really willing to forget him. HAHA. Logical enough? Okay I've got a few more lists to do. So I shall get back to work and hope that Jake will at least msg me (not very hopeful about this). OH I shall upload yesterday's photos first.

OH OH yesterday, met up with Diy and Yus after work. Ate at Swensens. Extremely full after that. Then we went to Vista Park. Played with swings and some retarded turning stuffs and took pictures. Lots of it. I have just finished resizing them so I shall upload them now! BYE.

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