Wednesday, September 09, 2009


Back to work today. Was looking forward to it though. =)

Yesterday's meeting was kinda long so I am exceptionally tired today. I don't know how I'll survive with Waves rehearsals and all. It was freaking cold in the meeting room and although I had J's jacket I was still shivering. I think I need gloves as well maaan.

Today back to doing banner stuffs. The guy likes my design that I did yesterday but he say the management might want it to look more professional so I have to like do other designs. Bummer. I'd rather do data entry laa. J making some lame jokes now which is kind of funny and entertaining. Oh he found his phone but its still not with him cuz its with his friend. Bummer. Oh and Mary (the other person in the office) kept on disturbing him about girlfriend stuffs and he kept on saying he doesn't have one. Which is good news to me. HAHA. Okay I want to get at least 5 more designs before lunch and hopefully he will give me something else to do. ITP has been fun so far apart from the freaking cold office although it is only like 22 degrees. Maybe cuz there is only 3 people and sometimes only the 2 of us. Or like what J said, I have too little fats to keep me warm. HAHAHAHHAHA. =)

BYE <3

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