Thursday, September 10, 2009


Work sucks today. Not because of what I'm doing cuz I'm pretty much doing the same thing but its because Jake did not come today. The seat beside me looked so empty and lonely. Anyway, I am chatting with him online now. HAHA. He's having fever. Poor thing. But still its very boring today cuz I am deprived from talking as there's no one to talk to. Okay there is but its different. There's some good news that I got though. Tomorrow work ends at 1pm! Coolio or what! Because its the company's dinner and dance and apparently we don't have to go. I'm freezing like shit here and I can't type properly. Okay shall update again if anything interesting happen. BYE.

SO I'm done with my work for today and tomorrow. But I shall just act as if I've not finished yet so that I can just slack the whole day tomorrow. =) I am very happy that I have finished it although I think they have to present it to the president to see whether he approves. Trust me, someone with creative juice as little as mine will feel super accomplished. And two people who have seen it so far likes it!! HAHA. I have to rush to modern session later cuz there will be auditions. Auntie Cherie is kind enough to wait for me. I hope someone will put me in their choreography! Okay make that more than one. HAHA. Knocking off in about 10mins time. I can already see the van outside waiting for us. Praying that there is no traffic jam!

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