Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yes I know its such a weird hour. But yes I'm still up to settle the stuffs for vetting tomorrow - I mean later. Not so sleepy cuz I slept from 7 to about 10+. Anyway, today is Jake's last day at work. Yes, very sad about it. I wrote him a note. Not a love letter. Just a note. But I don't know whether he'll keep in touch. Like now, he's online but he's not talking to me. So ya. WWW been urging me to ask him out. Which is near to impossible cuz I don't do this kind of thing. I guess I'll just have to wait and see whether this is just another one of my numerous infatuations that can be replaced and forgotten or it will be something else. I think it will be the former but I really hope its the latter. Ok la ok la I should stop talking about this. I wonder how I will be at work on Monday. Probably quieter than usual.

Anyway, it was kind of fun in the office just now. Me and PHT kept on making alot of noise. And I think we talked very loudly. PHT is very retarded laaa. But really I am glad that I'm with her and not other people that I won't enjoy the company. Walau I just hit my head on a chair. Walau it hurts sia. OW. Oh ya yesterday - er wait on Thursday, I was super clumsy and it was pretty embarrassing. According to Jake I tripped 3 times. Although I only remembered twice (means he's been noticing me! Ok shut up, Nadiah). Then we bought ice cream from Macs and the first thing that happened was ice cream dropped on my jeans. And I was eating McFlurry mind you not the cone one. Embarrassing much. He rolled his eyes and gave me a tissue. Then like a few seconds after that, the wind was super strong (excuses) and blew my hair. And I ended up having ice cream in my hair. Of course then he called me retarded and chor lor (if that's the way its spelled).

Hmm I think I should go to sleep now since I'm like done. I hope everything will go well for vetting. I can do this. Fighting! Btw me, J and PHT has nicknames.
Me: stubby arms (stupid J gave it to me cuz I can't reach him.)
Jake: fat fingers (given by me cuz his hand is huge.)
PHT: flabby arms (by J and Eugene. Cuz her arms are flabby. HAHAHHAHA.)


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