Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Just another day

Another day of ITP. Choon Aik is the best laa. Yesterday when we were going home, I asked him whether I still have to bring my laptop since I finished the Photoshop stuffs (at last!) and he said, if you don't mind. Then he was like you can use the internet when you are free anyway or like when you're bored you can surf the net. HAHAHAHA. Like I haven't been doing that. Let me tell you that my internet access is specially for me as I have to connect it using the cable at the hole in my wall. Its not some wireless shit so I have the connection all to myself and its not lagging at all! HAHAHA. So then today, I went to look for him and asked him what do I do today and you know what he says, "You go check your mail or use the internet first. Later I'll try see whether you can get the software then you can do date entry. In other words, I have absolutely nothing to do now. HAHA. BUT, J is not here and is really worrying cuz the 2nd batch of people is already here. Which can mean 2 things. 1) He's not coming. 2) He's late and miss the transport. Praying that its the 2nd one of course!!! Okay la shall go find stuffs to do. TATA. Oh wait, he's here =)

Having nothing to do is not good. Not good at all. I am seriously rotting here. Chatting with Jiayan who is bored at work too. Jake is like sleeping and not doing his work. I'm acting like I'm doing something when I'm not. TSK. Must think of something for me to do so at least I can write something on my logbook. TSK

nadiah says:
wah then today i write what sia in logbook
Jiayann. says:
chat with jiayan on msn!
u writ ethat
nadiah says:
Tuesday, 15/09:
1) chatting on MSN
2) Facebooking
3) staring into space

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