Sunday, August 16, 2009


Woke up at like freaking 8.30am to go religious class. Wasn't intending to go but my mum uses THAT tone to me so I am obliged to go. It wasn't so bad actually. At least I read faster than the rest and definitely better than my elder sister who is 20 years old by the way.

Went to meet D, Q and W for IT after that. Was doing at SMU and there wasn't internet there laaa. KNS. So tried to do as much as we can. But ultimately, we need the internet. So me and Wanyu is now at Civic Centre library to finish it up. There's alot to do actually. Freaking scared. And its damn freaking cold here! Okay okay back to work. I've got so say, the website looks awesome! =))

PS. He has replied Sabbieeee!


With this post, my blog post have reached 300. I had this blog since 2006 by the way. HAHA.
Anyway, was in the library just now and WWW does not know the meaning of 'grotesque'. Seriously. So she was like, "You ask your friends who knows the meaning?" Isn't it a common word?! Anyway there was one period of time that I had taken a liking in reading dictionaries. Of course I can't really remember the words now. Maybe I should do it again. Then my vocab can get better. =)

Okay I'm home already now by the way. Shall resume doing my work. AND WTF I'm sleepy already. KNS.

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